Photo by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash
"सयासत को लहू पीने क लत है..." We all might have heard various negative statements about politics. And this is one of them. Many a time, we use to see different types of violence and inhuman things in the society because of politics. This has created an image of politics in the society that politics is addicted of drinking blood. But is it really so? Does politics really ask for blood? Let's find out the answers to these questions.
Politics is the thing that has shaped our India. Politics is the thing that gave rise to the freedom struggle and revolution. Politics is a thing that gave birth to Gandhi, Nehru, and Ambedkar. And unfortunately, politics is the thing that also gave birth to Hitler and Mussolini who emerged as one of the most cruel dictators of anytime.
In both the situations politics is the thing that brought the revolution and changed the rulers and ruling system. But in Germany and Italy, it resulted in dictatorship while in my great India, the aftermath was a democratic Nation.
Why is that so? What was the difference between the politics of these countries?
When you will critically analyse these situations and phenomena then you will get the answer that one did the politics for the public interest and the sake of humanity and turned into a democracy. While the another was the politics for certain individuals and communities that turned into dictatorships.
So the conclusion that comes in front of me after critically thinking and having a profound discussion on this issue is that "No, the politics is not addicted of blood, the selfish politics is addicted of drinking blood."
The politics that is centered to certain individuals or certain community is addicted of blood. In common terms, we call it as dirty politics.
The politics that is inclusive and integral never ask for blood. It only asks for the welfare of humanity.
Now let's see,
What does this dirty politics want?
Why does it ask for blood?
How does it work? and
When does it become a terrible threat to the society?
The Dirty Politics wants oligarchy. An oligarchy that means a government by few. Or in some cases, it wants a monarchy that is a government by a king or a queen. And this blood-addicted politics is the biggest enemy of democracy that is a government by the people. Because democracy gives voice to every voiceless and these blood-addicted politicians do not want you to raise your voice. Now the question comes, if it is so then why does it ask for blood? The answer to this is based on Human Psychology. The human psychology is generally based on two things that is fear and greed. So to fulfill their greed, these blood-addicted politicians create fear in your heart.
And to create and inculcate fear in the heart of the common public, a bloodbath is the most powerful weapon. That is why, this blood-addicted politics asks for blood. They give rise to riots. They make terror attack and creates fear in you to suppress your voice.
Now the question comes how does it work?
The answer to this is very simple. Just by spreading some irrational beliefs in innocent people. And by emotionally using these innocent people. But now the question comes that is most important and which is when does it become a terrible threat to the society? This becomes a terrible threat when this blood addiction crosses the limits. And it creates the feeling of insecurity among certain communities or people. The insecurities give birth to rebellions and the situation turns into do or die.
This is how this all system of blood-addicted politics works and this needs to the stopped as early as possible. Because this is the biggest threat to the humanity. And humanity is supreme in all cases.