World of art is full of mysteries. Once you will enter there, you will unfold so many mysteries. So when you will start to live in that Mysterious world of art, you will be able to create peace in your real world. Painting is a seed to grow the tree of expressions.

Painting is an expressive medium, it allows us to experience wide ranges of emotion, between joy or sorrow, or confusion and clarity. It gives voice to ideas and feelings, connects us to the past, reflects the present, and anticipates the future. Webster's New Collegiate dictionary defines art as the "conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects."

The word painting can be abbreviated like:

P – portrayal

A – association

I – illustration

N – novice ideas

T – tracing

I – imagination

N – narrative

G – graphics

Or we can say it is a personal association with our thoughts, imagination, and ideas. It is a way to portray all our perspectives, emotions, and feelings on paper. We can capture or store permanently the moments with our creativity. Yet art is much more than a medium, or words on a page. It is the expression of our experience.

In this over-fast world, everybody needs rest and peace of mind. Art plays a very important role in this.

Art, or creative processes, can be a protective factor that strengthens individuals and communities and acts as a buffer against ill health. Positive effect of art is, it enhances the self-esteem and self-confidence in a magical way, when an individual is able to express feelings or experiences or create something that others can view and enjoy. The process of setting a goal to create something, and then meeting that goal, also has a positive effect on self-esteem and self-confidence. Creative processes have positive Psychological effects. Art can also have powerful effects on an individual’s perception of pain, their attitude, and their emotional state

As we are talking about painting so let’s talk about colours, why colours are important, and what role they play:

Bright colors can make you feel happy while darker colors can make you feel glum. There are also specific colors that remind us of different emotions. For example, what does the colour blue remind you of? What about red? Though red is colour of love but also represents the anger. Cool colours include blues, greens, and purples. When you think of cool colours, sometimes it helps to imagine a wintry world.

Different colors can create a different mood for artwork. Mood means the feeling we get when we look at a work of art. We can create the mood by selecting warm or cool colors that remind us of the emotions that we want in our artwork.

An artist has its secret century, a different fairyland. So be creative!

It takes the ordinary and makes it extraordinary. It asks questions about who we are, what we value, and it tells us the meaning of beauty and the human condition.

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