Image by Dirk Rabe from Pixabay
People living in this universe have different tastes and likes. In today’s life, it is sometimes hard to finish the day and sometimes just simple, whereas some do not get time to finish or complete their work on time. Struggles, stress, happiness, depression, death, and many things happen in life, which may not be expected. When suppose we take a survey, most of the people population will say, the night is their best time and not much in the morning, as many love to have nightlife and waking up early in the morning is a tiring job, which is common to many.
The day is a meaning of bliss and freshness, giving you a mind of a new start, and to plan for a day, whether to be active or low or what you have to do until night when you sleep. It is the time when you can hear the birds chirp and sing and see them and everything around you bright and clear. The morning will help you with great energy in the start with either a cup of coffee or tea, whichever you are used to, or maybe nothing if you are a hater of both. Then breakfast every morning helps improve your brain health and charges them in full swing, keeping you active and smart the whole day. Mornings are nothing but the start of the day to make your planning for the whole day that many people are up to it. some people love the morning and go for exercise and walks to keep themselves fit and healthy and then freshen up and have their breakfast. These are all a part of their morning routines. We all and those who are living in this universe do the same in maintaining our routine. The same revolves the next morning after a night's sound sleep.
Night-life is something that everyone loves to do, which is meaning that they are enjoying to the fullest, as life is only once, and have to make use of this to the maximum. There is no life in this world without having the feeling of entertainment. Most young people love to party and stay up either for entertainment, drinks, or work, rather than being awake the whole day in the morning. When coming to school and college times, they study more at night as anyhow the exams are up in the mornings. They have no other go where they have to study at night. For studies, other than night time there are no other options unless it is a study leave for two days or more if granted. Most of the bachelor parties fall during the night, and girls' night outs are also mostly out, like that so many enjoyments being made during night times.
The reason why people don’t put up parties and other entertainment at night is that too many feel the weather is hot being sunny and no one wants to feel the heat and enjoy under the sun and sweat much when they want to enjoy in the cool breeze and in an easy way. In this generation, no one can think of parties during the day, and if meant to be during the day, they will be held mostly in the air-conditioned hall with full facilities that make them and the people around them attending happy and calm.
But whichever day one likes, the day or night has to pass by one or the other by repeating the process. No one can stop or pause it even when one wishes to, as it is not controlled by us. the powers are only the ones who are above us. from morning till the next morning, life on earth has many things to do, think, change, form, and other responsibilities to handle and take over. There is so much or nothing we can do in just 24 hours of the day that is given to us. a person may be happy in the morning and later sad the night or vice versa. It depends on what you do that makes you like either morning or night. But according to my imagination, I feel many of them like entertainment at night and laziness and hard work during the day. Most of the young generation love nightlife more than waking up early in the morning for work and other responsibilities at home and the office.
So liking night or day depends on oneself and what one does and going to do to keep one happy or sad for the rest of the days. We have no guarantee of our life and also have no control over it. in life, before your life comes to an end which is unknown to us, night or day, we have to be happy and make others happy, where our life will be fully happy and also creates happiness and peace to both our minds and also that of