Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash
The rush begins with the alarm sounding in urgency.
Jogs are missed with increasing frequency.
Gulping breakfast is the tendency.
The reading of that dusty novel is ever in pendency.
Careerism is gaining in currency.
There is a need to go a little slow.
Never think that would mean going low.
Aim at life having a smooth flow.
To yourself you must often go.
Respect for life you should ever show.
Family time is ever shrinking.
The only aim is higher social ranking.
For happiness it is on great wealth that we are banking.
Social values are dead and stinking.
Simply, life just isn’t rightly working.
Success has meanings very many.
Sadly for many it is only about money.
The growing cupidity is really too funny.
The path we have chosen is in fact quite loony.
The life we eventually make will be thorny.
To class divisions we have always catered.
It is both through unconscionable wealth and poverty that life is shattered.
In sharing, the world can surely be bettered.
Look beyond yourself at least after your nest is well feathered.
Inequality, ominous for all, must be smothered.
The future is guffawing at how it is leaving us dazed.
The future is dismayed that on morality no emphasis is placed.
The future is disgusted over how it is chased.
The future is anguished over how life of real meaning is getting erased.
The future urges us to stop often and think long for results that can leave us amazed.