Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash
Amidst the stormy torrents of this boundless sea,
I’ve finally found the cost of being set free.
Thunder wails from these tar-black clouds,
As the gaps in my steel cage lend me eyes to witness this wrath,
To gaze at the sky where no bird glides, and a freezing cauldron where no fish dares swim,
I see in my reflection a man who’s got no path
Not a piece of land in sight in this shroud of darkness,
I rock my steel cage, desolate and hopeless.
Somehow still afloat, still alive, drawing breath,
I think why has my god left me stranded,
Hungry, mauled, weak and yet innocent, why has this child been abandoned?
Unable to sink into oblivion, to the bottom of this cauldron, yet incapable of finding the soft touch of abrasive sand,
This cage witnesses centuries pass by ,unchanged, unscathed with only the cuffs of life at the child’s hand.
Waiting for the bird that never has, never will fly over this sea,
The bearer of hope, however impossible ,ineffable may it be.
Long before time had a name, this child has been here and for an eternity, he will stay, however long that might be.
Amidst the stormy torrents of this boundless sea,
I’ve finally found the cost of being set free...