"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."
This quote stands aptly in the current situation of COVID-19.
Life is Just like a book where only the first and the last page are known and the middle pages are a complete mystery. Such mysterious incident happened with everyone of us living on this planet in the form of the devastating pandemic of COVID-19. Yes, I accept that it has proved to be extremely fatal for each one of us and it's impact has left us all dumbstruck as millions of people lost their lives, lost their loved ones and even lost their means of livelihood.
Yet this pandemic has not been put to a halt. It's still clinging around us and taking up more and more lives under its clutches. But now we need to pull up our socks and fight with this deadly corona with greater courage and with a hope to bring back everything back to normal as soon as possible. In the current day when India still has 4,29,946 number of active cases, it is still an alarming rate and needs to be ebbed as soon as possible. But when I see people gathering in extreme numbers, violating the guidelines that have been issued by the ministry of health such as to maintain social distancing and most importantly no proper use of masks by the public I feel deeply disappointed as they all will become the breeding points of corona in the area where they stay. The guidelines that have been issued are for our safety and protection of health so that more and more people don't give up their lives in the wake of this deadly corona. The government is making all the possible efforts to protect the nation from this deadly pandemic but alone it cannot be victorious. We need to support our government and abide by the instructions that are put forward to us . It is well said that "God helps those who help themselves." So we need to help ourselves and take care of our own health so that we don't pave way for corona to become a cause of our death . I would like to suggest some of the ways through which one can take care of one's health and keep the spread of corona away from themselves.
#Lets stay within our homes for sometime and protect ourselves as well as our dear ones.
#Lets cover up our mouth and nose with a mask properly in order to break the chain of corona affected people.
#Lets not meet our friends by gathering around in close contact with each other.
#Lets stay home and use this free time productively to develop our body and health by taking up meditation and yoga.
#Say no to hugs and handshakes and yes to our traditional system of greeting by joining our hands.
#Lets include nutrition rich food in our diet so that it supports our immune system and makes it stronger to fight with corona.
#Carry a mini sanitizer always with you just like small kids carry their water bottles everywhere .
#Encourage work from home methodology and give your best.
#Go out only when necessary otherwise avoid frequent visits at public places.
#Maintain a distance of 2m so that corona maintains forever distance from you.
The list of precautions may seem to be endless but it's not worthless when it comes to save our ourselves. Are we so weak that we can't even follow and practice these simple things to keep ourselves fit and fine and to take care of our health? I believe absolutely not , we are much more stronger in fighting against corona .
Let's help each other by uniting ourselves even by staying in isolation just to give life to our loved ones. Time is hard but will not stay forever. The sun of a new hope and new life will definitely rise soon. There comes a bright morning after a stormy night. All we have to do is just fight against this corona with full hope, enthusiasm, Spirit and a passion to save oneself and our loved ones. Nothing is impossible as possibility lies within the word impossible itself. So let's prepare ourselves by following all the necessary guidelines and taking care of our health during this pandemic of COVID-19.
I hope that my thoughts would reach to the public and will create awareness among all. Hoping for a positive response from the general public towards the humanity. It is rightly said..."Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking."
Stay Home, Stay Safe ....!!