Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing
- Miles Davis
Time Tracking has always remained at the forefront of any workplace setting, especially in businesses. Among the many aspects that are shared among all businesses, time tracking provides a competitive lead. It basically means tracking an employee’s working hours and awarding remuneration based on the time devoted and productivity thus obtained. In a day, a person may spend only a little time on petty things while working but accumulated together, it can probably amount to considerable wastage of valuable hours of the organization or the workplace. A wastage of around $7.4 billion in the United States economy per day is accredited to the non-tracking of their worker’s hours.
The technological progression in the era of globalization has contributed a lot to curb this menace of time drainage through the creation of several applications and software. This contributes to fading away the mist in work processes, enhancing the answerability of employees, and administration of the team, and eventually leading to a contended and lucrative business. Some of these apps include:
- HUBSTAFF – It is different from numerous apps because of its ability to track time as well as the employees anywhere. It is available on mobiles as well in addition to Windows, Mac, etc. The GPS tracking facility is used in the tracking of employees who are recurrent travelers. It also comes with a distinct feature of budgeting by fixing an employee’s working hours.
- JIBBLE – It is one of the GPS time tracking applications that provide the facility of geofencing. The managers have the ability to verify the records of their employees clocking in and out of their place of work. It also places restrictions on the employee that if they move out of the place which has been allotted to them, they won’t be able to enter it again. It provides data related to the hours being given by an employee.
- CLOCKIFY – It is a time-sheet app and is an extremely beneficial one for field workers remotely. It is pervasive on all the platforms ranging from Windows to iOS. It assists the employer in tracking the current positioning of their employees. Several distinct features include reminders, timesheet locking, rounding, etc. The report is available in different forms like in detailed format, summary format, or weekly and daily reporting.
- WORKSTATUS – This is one of the apps which include GPS tracking and Documentation and is used to enhance productivity. It makes it easy piece to find out the time spent in toto on a particular project. It helps in getting a weekly or monthly report of the workers. Furthermore, It also comes with special features like budget limitation and hours tracking, automated attendance, and efficiency tracking.
- TIMEERO – Along with the time and location tracking software, Timeero also tracks the mileage which gives a competitive edge to the business. The employees will not be able to fool the employers by using the company’s automobile and time for their own work and thus, they can prevent the workers from ending up eating the company’s money. The managers can track the route taken and the miles traveled.
- JUSTWORKS HOURS - The software is viable for businesses and workplaces of all dimensions. The features like geofencing, shift administration, and programmed alerts through mobile are worthy of appreciation and highly reliable. The tool can be used for calculating payrolls and the issues like errors or inaccuracies are no bar as everything is automated. It also works in tandem with other applications or software for the management of workplaces efficiently competently.
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