The informal sector is a term commonly used for the unorganized sector in the country and is used interchangeably. This arena consists of people and enterprises who are either self-employed or hire people to work in that unorganized sector. A worker in this sector is defined as one having no paid leave, job security, health care facilities, etc. According to the Indian Labour Market Update of 2016 (noted by the International Labour Union), About 82% of the workforce in India is in the unorganized sector. They have to face innumerable challenges on daily basis in their work life. One of these encounters is harassment faced by the workers which affect the person physically, mentally, and socially. According to the ‘Status of Women in India’ report, 10% of the total women in the working sector face harassment at the workplace. They face gender inequality in the workplace they are employed in the form of differences in the wages to men and women for doing comparable work, limited access of opportunities to women, not having considerable participation by women in the team, and not including them in the decision-making process, etc. It is not that harassment takes place in the unorganized sector only, instead, it is prevalent in both sectors. Let us understand the basics of Sexual harassment and its forms. A recent survey has revealed that almost 17 percent of women workers in India face sexual harassment at their workplace, with incidence rates being high in both organized and unorganized sectors
The term is defined as intimidating, humiliating, and disgraceful conduct by an individual in oral, written, expressional, or digital form. With the advent of women empowerment and females taking a front seat in all arenas, the issue of sexual harassment is also surging. In India, every 10th minute a woman is being sexually abused. According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Sexual Harassment means “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature” that interferes with one’s employment or work performance or creates a “hostile or offensive work environment” . This act is a result of flawed upbringing, paucity of values and correct viewpoint, inappropriate use of power and authority, inferiority complex felt by the individuals if women do better in some area, procrastinating attitude while dealing with these issues in the organization, etc. There are some types of sexual harassment which are:
There are a few things that are myths concerned with sexual harassment but our actual facts and sometimes there are some facts we know which are actually myths. Let’s discuss them all once. There is a statement that is prevalent in everyone’s mind that only women can be harassed but this is a myth. Instead, any gender can be a victim of sexual abuse. According to PEW research statistics of 2014, 25% of women and 13% of men between the ages of 18 to 24 have faced sexual abuse in the online format. Thus it is faulty to say that only women face sexual harassment. It is also perceived that women like being passed comments and eve-teased but this is also a myth. It instead is a very disgusting, painful, and disheartening activity. There is a difference between commenting and praising and this line of demarcation needs to be maintained. Ogling at someone to make her uncomfortable is also a kind of harassment to that person. This is a mindset among the general public that certain dresses and gestures invite sexual harassment but in actuality, sexual harassment cannot be invited by someone.
Justice Arjit Pasayat once said that “ while a murderer destroys the physical frame of the victim, on the other hand, the rapist defiles the soul of a helpless female”. The act of sexually abusing anyone is utterly disgraceful and mentally disturbing. It is considered to be one of the issues which highly affect the environment and sanctity of a workplace. It is a constitutional obligation to provide a safe and healthy work environment for women to thrive. The act of harassment doesn’t take place on a particular gender and rather, both male and female can be subject to sexual abuse. There are various provisions that cater to safeguarding the rights of women at the workplace. The CEDAW is an international convention formulated in 1979. The Vishakha guidance is inspired by Sc. 2 (d) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. It is a requirement for every organization to have an ethical code of conduct that must be followed by all the workers. After these guidelines, the legislative development in this arena was halted for almost six years. These guidelines in turn paved way for the POSH act of 2013. Besides all these legislations in place, women feel intimidated and hesitant in opening up about their issues in the garb of being a subject of public mockery. But instead, they should roll out their harassment stories in front of the public because
“There is no disgrace in being a survivor of sexual violence. The shame is on the aggressor” - Angelina Jolie