Image by Andrew Lloyd Gordon from Pixabay 

Hey, I know it's been a while. I know you must be shocked by seeing my name in this letter and I am the one you expected the least to send a letter... I mean who sends a letter nowadays. But you know me... I am weird more different from everyone, always alone, I never really had a person to whom I call friend until a girl whom I never talked to came by me and just sat beside me like we were best friends. I always sill alone and that was for the first time I was not alone. There was someone by my side. She is an idiot, a careless girl but most of all a nice person. And from that day I still treasure this memory of ours. I do remember all of our fights and how I was the only one who always says sorry first. I remember our shopping together, how we always ended up buying the same things. I remember your tears, your smile, your laughter, and our last fight. But this time I didn't say sorry and neither did you. We never said goodbye to each other, it's so hard for us that’s why we rather keep our distance but didn't say goodbye and I know you feel the same. And I don't think I could ever say goodbye to you. And this isn't a goodbye letter.

I know the circumstance is changed now it has been more than 4 years since I have seen your face or heard your voice. 

The thing is I had an accident last year and there was a major injury to my spinal cord. You know how I always used to say how badly I want to see every corner of India; I did actually I don't think there is any hospital left that I haven't been to in this country.

I always told you that I will never break a promise, but I did beak one to travel to America with you. I always wanted to see America but not like this. So, by the time you were reading this letter, I will be having surgery and the chance of survival was less than 50 %. I do want to live and want to make up to you for breaking my promise, I want to see you again want to listen to your voice. And want to say there hasn't been a sing day I didn't miss you; I have always loved you and always will be forever. So, if you are reading this so please call me. Because more than me my phone is missing having your name come up with that silly picture of yours. If I picked up, then maybe I can forgive you for not calling me but if I didn't it will be okay. Because if I died my phone will have your name on it.

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