As the term implies, public interest problems are those that affect the feelings of the entire society or a particular group. Occasionally, the drama's screenplay might also damage people's feelings. The sentiments of the society can be hurt by certain recently written policies or plans. And so, in this circumstance, it becomes a person's responsibility or right to oppose the government. If a particular government policy has harmed them, they should request that it be changed or repealed. The government will not have a huge difficulty with that since the government of the nation runs for the people and their policy causes public pain, they must retract the policy, like in the case of SP Gupta v/s UOI and Hussainara Khatoon v/s state of Bihar, which resulted in the release of 40000 prisoners, or if it is cinema, they must block that theoretical drama from being put into the cinemas.
Even now, both the public and the government violate the rights of the LGBTQ+ population. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, and other queers are grouped together because they all have a similar culture and way of acting, as well as the same sorts of problems with the state and society. We can sum it up by saying that it is a community with non-binary gender. The terms used to describe the group have changed through time as society has come to comprehend the diversity of sexual orientations and identities. Previously, we referred to the community as the LGBTQIA+ community.
According to recent polls, the LGBT community has greater mental suffering than the general population because they live in houses with less comfort, work jobs that pay less than average wages, and are less likely to have access to healthcare services. Because of their acts, identity, and conduct, we bully them frequently as persons, whether deliberately or unknowingly. We occasionally worry that if we make friends with them, that may be the case. The hypocritical society will then begin to harass us.
We tend to act more like demons when we are insecure. One of my pals recently said that he is a member of the non-binary group. From that point on, everyone started calling him names and making him feel alone since they were uncomfortable with his presence. We may thus conclude from this example that we have a negative impact on people's mental health to the point where it is critical for them to consider their identity and sexual orientation. If young people react in this way to such commonplace things, how will our elder generation respond? Youth must first alter their perspective before aiding the elder generation in changing their way of thinking.
The government, as well as the people, discriminates against this population. Although they are aware of the struggles the community faces, they are hesitant to launch a campaign to educate the world about the neighborhood. Governments have also fallen short in ensuring that the population has a secure environment in which to work and access healthcare.
Additionally, the media remains silent when it discusses the LGBTQ+ community since they are only looking for stories that might incite riots and have lost their fundamental responsibility of informing and raising awareness of society about accurate, impartial facts. The media can simply raise community awareness if they want to.
At the individual, interpersonal, and societal levels, marginalisation is at the heart of exclusion from leading meaningful and complete social lives. People who are marginalised have comparatively less influence over their life and the resources at their disposal; they risk stigmatisation and frequently encounter unfavourable public perceptions. Their chances to contribute to society could be few, which could lead to poor self-esteem and confidence as well as social isolation. Social practises and policies may result in their having just a little amount of access to important social resources including jobs, housing, income, recreation, and health care. Whatever the case may be, social exclusion is affected by marginalisation in a similar way. Regardless of the causes and mechanisms of marginalisation, whether they may be traced back to societal views (such as those about handicap, sexuality, ethnicity, and so on) or social circumstances (such as closure of workplaces, absence of affordable housing and so on). Along with homophobia or transphobia, LGBT people may also face other types of marginalisation, such as racism, sexism, poverty, or other issues, which have a detrimental effect on mental health. Many LGBT persons are forced to live on the periphery of society due to the stigma associated with sexual orientation and gender identity or expression that deviates from the heterosexual, non-transgender expectation. Due to their frequent exclusion from numerous support systems, including their own families, LGBT individuals frequently lack access to many services that others take for granted, such as medical care. justice, legal aid, and instruction. LGBT persons frequently have barriers to basic public services like housing and health care due to marginalisation and bigotry surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, which also has a substantial impact on health inequalities. The family into which an LGBT person is born is frequently where their marginalisation begins. LGBT adolescents are thought to make up up to 40% of the homeless juvenile population in the U.S., according to one research, and roughly 30% of LGBT youth in the U.S. have experienced physical violence from family members because of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression3. Initial prevention and education efforts are hampered by the marginalisation of LGBT kids in their families, which also fosters risky behaviour that can result in HIV infection and creates barriers.
Few teenagers "came out" to their families or confided in others in the past. Most lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGB) held off discussing their sexual orientation with others until they were adults. Many LGB individuals avoided expressing their life in public out of fear of being rejected or receiving severe negative responses. For LGBT adolescents, there were few options available until the 1990s. Adolescents who identified as gay or transgender had limited resources to learn about who they were or find support. In more recent times, homosexual and transgender adolescents have found correct information, direction, and support thanks to the Internet, school diversity clubs, and LGBT youth organisations.
Family strife is exacerbated by poor communication and miscommunication between parents and their LGBT children. An LGBT adolescent may be taken from or made to leave the home due to communication issues and a lack of understanding regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. These issues can also cause arguing and family disturbance. Due to familial dispute about their LGBT identity, many LGBT adolescents wind up in foster care, juvenile jail, or on the streets. These elements raise their risk of maltreatment as well as severe physical and mental health issues.
By taking steps to visibly support LGBTQ youth and their rights, allies can play a critical role in stopping and even preventing harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ youth, ensuring that schools and out-of-home care settings are safe for everybody. So, start becoming ally.