Image by Phan Minh Cuong An from Pixabay
Sanjana was a very beautiful and independent girl. She had a very small friend circle and new folks ne'er tried to befriend her due to her short -temper and outspoken attitude. She ne'er trusted others except herself.
One fateful day, she found that her best friend was going to kick the bucket due to her love failure. She spoke to her in a soothing voice and made her understand that 'nobody is worth our life'. That was the time she opened up to her friends about her easily angered attitude and the never ending frown on her visage…
She narrated a story of a little innocent girl who grew up seeing her parents fight every other day. Their strife seemed to be never ending. It was a love marriage and they were a perfect couple before marriage. Nevertheless, once they got into this social institution called marriage, everything changed out of the blue. All the family members kept feeling blue…they didn't seem to be happy with each other. Unfortunately, the couple thought of putting an end to their relationship. The little girl who saw all this, was taken aback. It was like a bolt from the blue! She ne'er expected that to happen. Since then, she started being quiet for most of the time; stopped smiling completely and the curve on her lip was transformed into the crease on her forehead. Everyone of her friends were moved listening to this story. At the end, after a long bout, she let the cat out of the bag saying that the little girl was none other than Sanjana herself. All her friends were shocked to hear the news and were proud of her friend because she was like an iceberg which revealed only a small part of it. She hid the deepest wounds in her heart. Nonetheless, she never thought of killing herself. Not even in the wildest of her dreams! She was a titanium who had a passion for life and she always believed in the fact that we should live for ourselves. Her friends also realised the importance of their lives and that life is precious! As the time passed, she encountered a colleague who could read her and her anger. He thought of transforming her into a different individual without her realization. Let us have a butchers' at how he succeeded in his endeavor… He suggested her read Mahatma Gandhi's Hind Swaraj in which Gandhi speaks about his non-violent attitude and his autobiography- My experiments with truth. Gandhi got angry, but he ne'er manifested it in a way the others did. He always resorted to Satyagraha so much so that it hits on the nerves of the other person in order that the other person surrenders without the use of physical force… 'Getting angry is punishing yourself for others' mistakes'. Hence, Anger has to be channelized in a manner that doesn't harm others and in a way that the issue is resolved peaceably. Non-violence is the ultimate virtue in life. Anything and everything can be won over using non-violence.
In course of time, her two lips were pulled apart, she started talking to everyone in a jovial manner and her friends' circle expanded in no time. Happiness is a crowd-puller. It brings in more people towards you. Your smile attracts more smiles just like magic.
In Gandhiji's hind swaraj, he vehemently rejects the use of brute force for attaining swaraj for India. He introduces new arguments for such rejection. One, there is close contact between the means and the end. Thus he rejects the basic formulations of Indian revolutionaries that India could be freed only by violent means both on moral and ethical grounds. Nevertheless, he also rejects the Moderates' view that Indians could be freed by mere supplication and petitioning. Unless backed by effective sanctions that would be an exercise in futility. Hence, India would need passive resistance, based on 'love force' or 'soul force' to move forward on the road to Swaraj.
Well, why do you think this soul force has that immense power? What is that one thing in Gandhiji that nobody else had? How did this 'hind-swaraj' change her attitude toward life? Well, it's Courage!
Unbelievable! Isn't it? Yes! "Courage is not only what it takes to stand up and speak but courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen" In fact, the latter requires all the more courage than the former for anybody can get angry, and any man can be short-tempered but not all men can remain like a saint when a volcano is erupting inside him, not all men can smile when their blood has crossed its boiling point. That is courage! And Mahatma Gandhi was known for it. He stood up for what he taught is right despite extreme opposition. He smiled when people thrashed him down. He kept calm when people abused him. He went on a fast at the age of 60. He walked from Sabarmati to Dandi at that age. An old man with an unshaken might in his heart is a perfect example of Courage.
Everybody feels like losing their temper or getting tempted to get angry or misuse their tongue but when you control these 3 things i.e. your tongue, temper and temptation then that is going to make you a man. Gandhiji had mastered this skill. As it was rightly quoted by Epictetus, "We can't control others' reactions to a situation but we can always control our reaction to their action" And controlling what is in our control is the ultimate goal of life.
Our very own Angry Burd Sanjana realised this great truth of life by reading Gandhiji…She came to the conclusion that "Getting angry is punishing ourselves for others' mistakes" and soul-force can help us win over anybody…
Winning over your enemy is no biggie at all but winning over a best friend requires a lot of courage. This is the reason for the saying, "The greatest battles of life are with the closest of people"!