Photo by Radu Florin: pexels

Are you toxic?
Or is it me who want you to be.
I know measured facets of glee
Is all I have, to more of it 
I have the unknown gloomy bits.
Connecting dots and deciphering, 
Figures leading to what ifs and what nots.
I know I should tell you the knots
Of me keep leaving an open end,
Telling me to confess and bend
To lend the possibilities of US.
What if you say no to us
Even being a possibility.
What not, can we no longer have a "we",
Am I going to loose a friend?
I don't feel bad losing that,
I am scared of not being 
In the vicinities of friend-ship,
Looking at you from far,
Not being a pal, deceiving at par.
Staying away, I will keep looking at 
You, us or may be more than that.

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