Once again take me to the love tunnel,
travelling through fogs in cold,
travelling through empty world,
empty world that looks bright but feels dark cold,
Once again take me to the path that leads to love tunnel,
tunnel that holds beauty of care,
holds grace of compassion,
holds wealth of understanding,
& tunnel that holds meaning of love.
Once again wants to enter the love tunnel,
want to carry the fear &
travel in dark tunnel being blinded by love.
Once again wants to escape,
bright fakness of world,
World that holds shame of lust,
holds disgrace of jealousy,
holds debt of deception,
World that holds hate.
Once agin would love to trust path of love tunnel,
Love tunnel that looks dark but feels bright liberation,
Love tunnel that is escape from the cold world.
Once again take me to the love tunnel,
& never let me come out of the love tunnel.