Dear Anne,
Years have passed since I first read about you, but still, you're someone I look up to gather my courage in odd situations. Anne, today I want to thank you for so many things, for each thing you taught me through your words, for each message you've given to humankind.
You know Anne, I'm also an aspiring writer just like you who finds solace in writing. I have diaries filled with ideas for stories, poems, and articles on every other page. But, like you, I also wonder if I really have the talent to write something great, worry if I’ll ever be able to write something worth. I worry about the same things as you. I worry if the world will be kinder than it is now, I worry if humankind will ever stop conquering each other, and instead conquer their own fears that strangulate them to death. Thank you Anne for assuring me that people like us exist in this world.
Thank you so much Anne for reminding us that despite all the wickedness that prevails on the earth, there still remains goodness in all human hearts. The way you believed that humans are good at heart despite all that you saw and endured, is really remarkable and appreciative.
The one thing I adored about you is that you always raised your voice for what you believed in. I saw you raise your argument sometimes with Van Daan's family and a few times with your father. They tried to silence your voice by telling you that you were too small to raise any argument. But you fearlessly stood for yourself and taught us that people will tell us to keep our mouth shut, But that should not stop us from having our own opinion.
I adored the way you were fiercely yourself. I adored how you proudly carried all your dreams, all your thoughts, all your kindness within you. I adored how you looked towards the smallest things in the most beautiful way anyone can. I adored how you simply proved that "parents can only give us good advice or put us on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
You know Anne, we, the new generation of the 21st century have this constant habit of complaining about everything. We are on a continuous mode of criticizing. Instead of all the beauty that prevails in the world, in a person, we still try to find faults, we complain about our parents, our home, our governments, Nation, or whatnot. In such a scenario, I just want to recall the one thing you beautifully said in those tough and unkind times, " At such moments I don't think about all the misery, but about the beauty that remains." Thank you for reminding us that both good and evil exist in this world, it is on us which side we want to see. It is on us whether we choose to complain or we choose to embrace whatever good we have, and also, try to reform and reinvigorate whatever we can.
We as normal human beings always count on bad things that happened to us and think that we never deserved them; We curse our life every now and then. But when something fortunate happens to us, we forget to be grateful about it. When someone helps or shows kindness towards us, we don't show our gratitude towards them.
We forget to appreciate the goodness that exists within humans. We don't feel gratitude towards our mother who invests more than half of her life looking and caring about us, we take for granted the sacrifices made by our father for us. We wait for that one birthday, that anniversary, or that father's, mother's day to make them feel special. We're so busy in our own lives that we forget to look after our loved ones. But it is only when we lose our dear ones, we realize their value in our lives. We regret not giving our time to them. In this case, you had rightly pointed out "dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude."
This quote of yours reminded me of an important thing that I wanted to tell you. Do you remember your hiding? The place that felt like a cage; the place where your dreams took shape and died too! That same place is now converted to a Museum, a biographical museum where lakhs of people are trying to fit in. It's no longer a cage, it's no longer a suffocating place that was trying to save and kill you at the same time. Do you see? there's a regret in us, there's a regret that is making us preserve everything you've left. There's a regret that while trying to win over nations, we lost to humanity; we lost you.
At last, I want to thank you for writing those records that helped people like us to find a gem like you, who would inspire many coming generations for good. Who had the power to shake the world just by her words. If I had to end this in your words, I would say that we can't undo the things that had happened to you, but we can surely prevent it from happening to another 'Anne'!