Image by Laura from Pixabay
It doesn't matter how much milk you spill as long as you don't lose the cow.”
- Harvey Mackay
This planet is full of life which has comprised within itself the lives in the form of biotic and abiotic. We have the beautiful sound of the waterfall, the chirping of birds, the blow of wind, the roar of a lion, the hiss of snakes, and the conversation of humans too. This world is full of manifold species from the extreme level of barbarousness of crocodiles to the softness of rabbits. The relationship between humans and animals developed with the existence of early man, where they used to kill and consume them. Later on, as the early men developed physically, and properly, particularly in terms of India, they began to domesticate some animals like cows and dogs for agriculture. In this way, an emotional relationship was established between them, and animals started considering a family member of their own. It's not enough there are a lot of reasons where it can be early seen that cows in India are worshipped and beloved by every people and particularly by Hindus. As there are a lot of mythological stories where the cow has got respectable and a sacred position and I would like to make you count some of the mythological stories where you can easily consider and realize how much the cows and their descendants are adored in India.
Mythology text of Hinduism and there is a renowned text which is called Shiv Puran it's been mentioned that Lord Shiv is considered the constructive destroyer of the universe and the same has an ox who is called Nandi the bearer of Lord Shiva there is another where Lord Krishna who is considered as the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, had taken birth in Gokul where he was Shepherd of cows. He used to make them graze. He loved the 'makkan' (butter) which he extremely loved to eat. Lord Krishna is deemed as the greatest diplomat, teacher, mentor, manager, and Dharma establisher on this planet ever. In addition to this, multifarious deities in India are closely associated with cows. Why does it happen? As people in India are tightly attached to cows, oxen, and bulls. But in the present world, the condition of cows is deplorable. They are exclaiming in pain. Why is it happening?
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
"Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures…”
-Thomas de Quincey
In India, a cow is worshipped because of its various features regarding its working, behavior, and innocence; those features are the following:
If there was a cow in your family, the possibility to die from starvation was very low. This is cow's greatness.
“Cows are my passion… to retreat to a Swiss farm, and live surrounded by cows - and china.”
- Charles Dickens.
We, humans consider ourselves Supreme amongst all the species of animals and birds in this world. We are indeed more powerful as compared to any other species but along with that there is one more quality that has been given by the supreme almighty to us and that is the quality of emotions and the logical brain God provided it to us to look after not only to ourselves but also the other animals and living organisms on this planet. However, whenever it comes to exploitation we never stayed back and we have always taken advantage in every period and every era. As far as is concerned with the environment, we did conditions worse just cause of some insatiable motives and comfort. Sometimes just for the sake of entertainment, we killed various species in this world and for that, we have the example of dodos and cheetahs in India. Today we'll be trying to know and comprehend the atrocities on cows and the unknown fact that is in favor of humans, cows, and the environment. If someone asks you what is the one thing which you find the most dominating feature of a cow then one can easily answer it in three words first would be her innocent behavior, second, milk of her, and last but not least is her beautiful commendable physical structure. It is known by everyone that her milk is absolutely fine and recommended by everyone to take. There are some reasons which can make you comprehend the unhealthy issues associated with the milk of cows. For a better understanding of the problem, we can broadly categorize the problems into three boxes and which are as follows:
“The human body has no more need for cows' milk than it does for dogs' milk, horses' milk, or giraffes' milk.”
- Michael Klaper
There are various issues which are concerned with the life of human beings and those issues are very serious, but in some way, it is neglected by the people and particularly by the businessman to get more benefit from the meet of the cows and also to get more profit by selling more milk. The issues are stated below:
Image by Shaked Yizhak from Pixabay
“Since the cruel killing of cows and other animals has commenced, I have anxiety for the future generation.”
- Lala Lajpat Rai.
Here, similarly, we will be trying to understand the deplorable conditions of a cow in slaughterhouses just for the production of beef and milk. When a cow is brought into a Farm to produce milk, first of all, it is impregnated by artificial insemination before the age of 1 year so that it can produce more babies in its life cycle and a cow on average is impregnated 4 to 5 times. Due to giving birth to 4 to 5 baby cows her internal condition becomes critically deplorable sometimes her womb gets damaged and while giving birth to a cow the baby cow sometimes has to lose her life. In the meanwhile, she is tortured very badly to send her from one area to another area. She is kept in poor conditions and she is given antibiotics many times to not affect her physical health unnecessary antibiotics are hazardous for her. As she was given antibiotics at that time when it was not required and due to that when she needs medications, medicines don't work.
As soon as the cow gives birth to her child after a few days both of them are segregated from each other. If the calf is a male then it is either killed or sent to the slaughterhouse to cut and serve in hotels or if that calf is female then it is again sent for the same job which her mother was doing and the whole process goes on in the same manner for sure.
Two major issues are concerned with animal husbandry cow firstly concerned with the production of greenhouse gas which happened when so many cows are fostering at a place and their cow dung accumulated at a place where it is left to rote and just cause of that there is the huge production of Methane Gas, which is not good for the Ozone layer. It protects the whole Earth's surface from the harmful UV rays of the Sun. The ozone layer has already been ruptured by CFCs in the 80s. And it has not yet recuperated from its previous injury and now it is facing fatal conditions due to the production of other harmful gases like methane and Carbon dioxide. Secondly, deforestation gives birth to two primary causes of which deforestation. (i) Primarily, if we talk about the cows, they need plants to consume and for that, they need huge land for the plantation of cows. Along with plantations they also need large grasslands which again take a large of Forest to cut. (ii) For the construction of tin sheds they again need land, which takes a large portion of land again. All these things collectively lead to deforestation.
Image by Couleur from Pixabay
“Home is where my cows are.”
– Unknown*
Milk of cows is very precious all over the world because it is not only a food or a nutrient which is concerned with the life of the babies and everyone. In India, particularly, the most trustable substitute after mother milk is cow milk. I used to have the milk of a cow. When I was a kid my grandfather brought a cow for me because in childhood my health condition was not good and I was very light in weight and that's why I have very close memories of a cow. When, however, I got to know the miserable and yelling conditions of the cow it wrenched my emotions. When I watch the documentary related to animals, I was shocked. I want everyone to see those two equivalent documentaries first is DOMINION and another is EARTHLINGS. We must respect COW from the inside for its innocence, qualities, and sacrifice of milk of her calf. We must ban the beef of both cows and Buffalo. There are some solutions to avoid the issue:
“Kill me but spare the cow.”
- Lokmanya Tilak.