Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
"Pornography. . .overtakes lives, causing loss of the Spirit, distorted feelings, deceit, damaged relationships, loss of self-control, and nearly total consumption of time, thought, and energy." ~ Linda S. Reeves
Nowadays, if any country wants to grow unexpectedly, it needs to get the young generation of their own country to indulge in doing productive work, which can enhance the economy of the nation in an unprecedented manner. In addition, productivity will improve the mental ability of the people plus they will be able to move in the direction of the real purpose of life which is giving happiness to this world by doing work. The people will be able to produce more sensible, mature, disciplined and delightful procreation. As, however, the technology is increasing, the probe of distraction and getting wrong connections has increased a lot. Technology is significant in increasing the efficiency and reduce the time consumption. But, at the same time when the misuse of technology happens then it reduces productivity and inhibits crime in the form of cybercrime. Here, we are going to talk about the major tussle from which youngsters are suffering incessantly across the world which is the Addiction to watching pornography. Addiction to anything is harmful to the life. Addiction is something which can be considered a slow suicide of life and career of a person because when a person gets stuck in the net of addiction, he\she forgets everything and becomes the slave of that addicted object. Porn is one of those issues. However, anything becomes an addiction when the person becomes helpless to stop doing that whether doing that particular thing is legal or illegal. Pornography can be seen in the form of magazines, books films etc. However, in the era of technology, I'm talking about porn videos which are available on a different website. Watching porn is legal in some countries and illegal in some countries. Morally, however, it is incorrect.
Watching pornography is such an issue in which various people are indulged either deliberately or indeliberately but none wants to talk about this. In our society, it is considered taboo to talk about sex life or issues of it in general. As a result, youngsters are indulging in it with the passage of time and perishing their lives.
There are multifarious reasons behind the indulgence of youngsters in watching pornography. Some people don't consider it a serious problem but it is and this can be understood by only those people who are either addicted to watching porn and not able to withhold doing so or the people who are working in the porn industry but disrelish their soul and hesitate to meet eyes of oneself in the mirror due to detest from the work. Let's try to comprehend the causes of addiction to pornography one by one through the following points:
Therefore, these are the reasons why people watch porn and gradually become addicted. Sometimes they feel that it is just for fun but even they don't understand when watching becomes an addiction for them.
Porn addiction can impact the physical and mental health of a person in such a manner that it can ruin the life of the individual and then the person will only regret it at the end of the day. You must be thinking what can be the repercussions of pornography? As though if they are, it will be not life-changing but it is. Let's familiarize with them one by one in the following manner:
It is a process in which the person self-stimulates by rubbing the genitals for sexual arousal alone. As per the doctors, it is good if one does it in limit because when you have an orgasm, your body releases endorphins and hormone that blocks pain and make you feel good. When, however, anything crosses the limit, it becomes harmful for itself. As a result of masturbation person releases semen (liquid) which contains a lot of potential. Thus, over-masturbation leads to various problems in the body of the person such as weakness, erectile dysfunction, stopping the growth of the muscles of the penis, infection in the genitals etc.
If maturation is done in an unhygienic way then it may lead to infection in the genitals. That may cause pain, fever, rashes itching in the genitals etc. In males, due to severe infection in the genitals, there is the possibility of prostate cancer, funiculitis, epididymal orchitis etc. In females, due to infections, there is the possibility of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Due to infection to one person the partner may suffer from STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).
Being icted person of watching pornography one partner may mentally detach from the other partner and can incessantly think about sex. This can dig a trench in a marriage life. On account of watching excessive videos of pornography, the expectations of the partner may increase to a great extent which can create big issues in the sexual relationship. The type of porn one is watching also affects the mentality of men and women and they can become violent to each other which is not suitable for a happy and contentful married life. As a sequel, these things lead to less satisfaction with your partner.
When someone becomes addicted to watching porn, one loses control over oneself and feels great guilt just after watching that disgraceful thing. The impact of that guilt is so big that it doesn't allow the person to think something else and it keeps poking the person about the guilt because one did not want to watch the obscene however, due to the compulsion of the moment, one did so. It's been seen that addicted persons weep a lot and regret anything. Often they swear to control themselves but the arousal of the feeling at a moment he\she lose control and go to watch porn which eventually gives a great guilt.
Watching porn is not considered a good thing in a society like India thus people watch it in privacy and at night because none comes to disturb anyone an addicted person tries to watch it at late night when starts watching and keeps watching it for long hours. Owing to that it affects the eyes and sleep which adversely affects life. Thus, watching porn induces the problem of overuse of mobile.
When the person watches a video he finds that the woman is such an object that is always ready to come to a person for sex or sexual satisfaction. The porn videos show that there is no relationship which exists in reality everything moves around the sex and these kinds of obscene, mutilated and objectified videos are made in such a manner which portrays that the woman is a sex toy, not a living person. The person particularly men becomes more disturbing for women by molesting them and even teasing them. In this manner, the mentality of a man becomes deceitful.
When a person becomes addicted to watching porn he loses control over himself and starts continuously to think about sex only which brings downfall on one's career. This kind of highly sensitive video provokes the emotions of a person which kills the concentration level and destroys the skill, talent and personality of the person which he\she has made over the past years.
Having seen the videos the couples start to bear an idea in their mind such as a special type of sexual activity should be done, sexual duration should extend for 30 minutes and so on whereas the reality is everything is scripted and their genitals are operated to show them extraordinary in size.
Watching pornography spares a lot of data which is a wastage of money and misuse of mobile.
In the lust for sex and earning money youngsters are going into this field through various websites where these websites are openly giving offers to be nude and earn money by showing their nude photos, and videos on the website. These kinds of disgusting and obnoxious things are ruining the lives the youngsters and misguiding them on the wrong path. And if someone has entered on this path then there is almost no option to go back and live a normal life. So, pornography and its addiction devastate the lives of youngsters and the culture of the country.
There is a very simple concept of economy and that is demand and supply. Wheresoever there is demand for something the supply will also be in the same manner. So, if people are demanding or watching pornography then the supply will increase and this is one of the most disgraceful impacts of the addiction to pornography. It also promotes the brothel system.
Hence, these are the most adverse repercussions of the addiction to watching porn and pornography.
Irrespective of the size of the problem, there are always some possibilities to tackle it and resolve the matter. As far as it is concerned with dissolving the matter of addiction to watching porn, there are some solutions to it as well. To, however, attain emancipation from the addiction of watching pornography; the person needs to form willpower which can assist him or her to fight against the enemy called the addiction of pornography. Here, we are going to deal with the possible solutions for safeguarding the life of the youngsters of our country:
Everything is dependent on the willpower of an individual so if that willpower is firm then the person will be able to fight any sort of problem which comes in his life whether it is physical or mental. All the challenges can be dissolved with very strong willpower if the willpower is feeble then the person will not be able to encounter any problems So, gradually develop willpower.
Nowadays, spiritual knowledge and energy are the utmost need of the people because spiritual power is nothing but knowing about that which exists within an individual. If the person allows himself to know himself then the person will be able to understand the purpose of life. He will be able to know what are the things which are to be done in life and which are not to be done, what is to and what is false. Spiritual knowledge will help the person to be conscious all the time and consciousness will not let the person do something unethical and immoral. And this realisation will assist the person to leave the addiction to pornography.
As per the degree of addiction to pornography, one should go towards meditation and medication. I feel that meditation is irreplaceable and not be considered invaluable. There are various yogic activities which a person can do according to the body and find peace and patience in the mind which will assist the person to gradually overcome the sensual desires.
If you are thinking that I'll leave watching pornography at once one day then I want to inform you that it will never happen, never happen because this habit has developed gradually and various people have been practising it for years due to addiction. So, if one wants to uproot it from one's life then the person will have to endeavour to leave this habit gradually.
A right aim is something which always tells the person to move in the right direction the person has in life which is extremely important and worthwhile then the person will never indulge in those things which are withholding him from the path. If we take the example of the current time then we have probably the best example of a cricketer called Virat Kohli whose passion and love can be easily seen towards cricket and probably that is the only reason why he has reached that level of cricket where he is compared with the great Sachin Tendulkar.
There are varied things in our surroundings which can be learnt and enhance the standard of life. The person should emphasize learning more valuable things such as learning different local languages, learning dance, singing, watching relevant movies, reading books, playing different sports like chess, cricket, tennis, swimming and other sports activities too that will help the person to change the area of release of dopamine and endorphin.
In this era of technology, the Internet is something which is like a Magic Lamp because by turning it on and using it properly the person will be able to change his life immensely. As far as it is concerned with addiction to pornography, I think that by listening to the great personalities and their ideas about different facets of life, the person can understand the concept of Karma and those great personalities are such as Acharya Prashant, Sadguru, Sandeep Maheshwari, Shri Shri Ravishankar, Dr Vikas Divyakirti and so on.
Having seen the seriousness of the matter the Government of India should also intervene and give directions to the search engines to ban such websites which are showing obscene acts and nudity. In February 2021, the Supreme Court of India said, OTT regulation is a necessity as nudity, obscenity and even porn are available, because of the absence of any proper rules and regulation. On 22 August 2023, the Government of India assured that it would bring rules and regulations to check Vulgar and obscene content on social media and OTT platforms. However, the wait is still going on.
These are some firm and fruitful solutions which can be applied by people to change the course of life and safeguard the youth. As "once the time is gone, it will go forever."
In Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf has pertinently remarked about pornography, "Men are visually aroused by women's bodies and less sensitive to their arousal by women's personalities because they are trained early into that response, while women are less visually aroused and more emotionally aroused because that is their training. This asymmetry in sexual education maintains men's power in the myth: They look at women's bodies, evaluate them, and move on; their bodies are not looked at, evaluated, and taken or passed over. But there is no "rock called gender" responsible for that; it can change so that real mutuality--an equal gaze, equal vulnerability, equal desire--brings heterosexual men and women together."
In searching various websites on search engine porn website is in fifth place in India. I'm sure that we don't want to be recognized like this.
My dear friends, it is my concern for all of you that please pay attention in this direction and try to improve your life because I have seen in my friend circle that they were struggling to get out of the things like watching porn and masturbation. Gradually, however, they are improving themselves and coming on the right course in life and I believe that whatever the path is difficult due to a firm willpower the victim can improve the life and can become the champion of it as well.