Photo by Taryn Elliott: pexels

How many unexpected things happen in life? Sometimes those things are important and sometimes they are not, but every little thing makes an impact in our life. Sometimes a wound comes as unforgettable, sometimes as a precious thing in life, and sometimes it remains in our hearts as a beautiful memory.

Sometimes it comes as a gentle breeze and sometimes it comes as a storm. The point is that our life; Our lives are similar to some extent, only the point of view is different.

The point is that love depends on everyone's perspective in today's world. For some people, love is a precious, unforgettable, precious thing, while for others, it is a just spur-of-a-moment thing or just a casual thing to experience. One such thing is when circumstances have forced upon a child.

The story starts with his college, he got admitted to a college that he didn't want. After trying hard in other colleges, his listed dream, and prestigious colleges, he failed to get admission in. He started going to college feeling depressed and frustrated. He started going to college as he felt that this college was his destiny. The funny thing is that he had never seen that college and none of his friends were there, a totally anonymous college and place for him. But truth be told, there is a part of luck. New places, new buildings, new people, new professors, new friends, all in all, new to him. Lectures used to start, he used to do lectures regularly. He was very sincere and hard-working. He was just a little depressed after failing at an important stage in his life.

But with time everything got better, and new friends started to be made. It was one such day, but that day was going to change a lot in the boy's life. A beautiful girl had arrived in the class. He instantly fell in love. We say Love at First Sight, and something like that happened. The boy used to go talk to her for some reason. By doing this, they got to know each other well. She used to stand at the bus station, he would pass in front of her. He used to move forward with eye contact and a smile, a sweet smile. It continued like this for many months, and one day decided to take her mobile number. The funny thing is that he never asked for the girl's number. He was sweating. 4 days now as to how to ask for a number. One day, he took a deep breath to ask for the number, stood in front of her, and went round and round to ask for the number, but he failed. But the next day he went fully prepared, and he finally got the courage to ask and finally got her number.

They started talking, and they used to chat till midnight. A year passed and they had a holiday and he used to call her for some reason and makes some reason to meet her and spend some time with her. He used to meet and talk a lot. A few months passed, and their friendship became special. One day when they went to a café for coffee, she asked him a question, "What do you think about me, I mean about our relationship?" As soon as he heard this question, he stopped to suggest anything, there was complete silence for 2 minutes, and no one said anything. Avoiding answering the question, they both decided to say goodbye. Awkwardness, no matter what he said, he returned home speechless. Thinking over the question, he came to a decision. He saw that something had nothing happened in his lifetime and he did not know what to do, what was right and what was wrong. That conversation created awkwardness between them. The difference is that there was something going on between them, they both knew it, but they used to try to get praise from each other. One day he said her what he had in his heart. Confession of Love and the bond that they share with each other. His genuine love and compassion for her in his heart. She stood speechless and, in a few moments, she just stormed out. He didn't know if he did something wrong. Why did she leave? Because her answer was, no? Millions of such questions started coming into his mind. She took 1 week to answer or to respond to his answer and that situation. While chatting after 1 week, she took her time to analyze the situation, also where she stands in this scenario, that night she expressed her love by saying I love you in return for his answer.

It was the first time in his life that something like this had happened. He has been swept away in the ocean of love. When she expressed her feelings to him, he was surprised. He was overwhelmed. That moment was very important in his life, unforgettable. Think about the boy who could never speak with any girl with that feeling till that moment, all these things happen in that boy's life. What he is feeling? What is going on in his mind? Excited, thrilled, overwhelmed, feeling of floating in space. One true, first and last love in life had come into his life.

See, as you were told in the beginning, some unexpected things happen. If he had got admission somewhere outside, would he have ever found love, if not? A boy who is an introvert, talking to girls is light years away for him, the boy bravely takes her number, and begins a love affair with Kala. At first, he was sad and depressed, but now not only did he get his love but he passed with good grades and degrees. His academic career was also great and he accomplished every small and big achievement that he was dreaming of. He was successful in his life by all means of achievement and prosperity. Everything started going well in his life.

So, one goes on saying, no matter how many bad things happen in your life, that situation does not last for long. Not only will he get the same love, but by going to that college, he will get many friends, professors, and the life which will make his life more beautiful and successful.

“Whatever happens, happens for the Good”

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