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Self-actualization in an actual sense means acceptance and complete realization of one's potential, development of one’s abilities, and appreciation of life. Being self-actualized means accepting yourself and others as who they actually are despite of having complete knowledge of the flaws and limitations.
Being self-actualized requires one’s full entanglement in life and awareness of that which they are skilled of accomplishing. Abraham Maslow scrutinized self-actualization as the realization of one’s potential.
[Maslow, Abraham. A Theory of Meta motivation: The Biological rooting of the Value-Life in journal of humanistic psychology,7, 1967]
The expert indicated that Self-actualization can be described as the complete realization of one’s potential as manifest in peak experiences which involve the full development of one’s abilities and appreciation for life.
[Maslow, Abraham. Toward a Psychology of Being. Princeton: D. Van Norton Company, 1962.]
Maslow’s research says that humans have certain needs to satisfy in order to attain self-actualization. The state of self-actualization is viewed as obtainable only after one’s fundamental needs of survival, safety, love, and self-esteem are met. [Maslow, Abraham. A Theory of Human Motivation in psychological review, 50 (4), 1943] [Maslow, Abraham. Motivation and Personality. [1st ed.]. New York: Harper, 1954.]
He categorized those needs as follows,
A) Physiological needs (Water, Food, etc)
B) Safety needs (Shelter and security)
A) Need of belongingness
B) Need of esteem
Even though many believe that the concept of self-actualization is not in reach of every human being as it stands at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there have been many self-actualized people in the world like;
Based on Maslow’s description, there are a few conventional characteristics of self-actualized individuals, they are as follows
These are the characteristics that help distinguish self-actualized individuals from the rest of the world. If an individual has all of the above categories in them then the individual is known to be self-actualized.