Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Dazzling light shines in a barren land,
Color fades in the golden field.
Old, yet majestic, relics remain untouched.
A red turban and leather shoes adorn him like a king,
Wearing a white kurta and salwar.

A royal bloodline stands, with eyes that tell a long story of life.
Mountains, rivers, and flowers are filled with care,
Despite abundant storms and turmoil.
Memories of kings who ruled and lost linger,
Yet the land remains lush and green.

A man with a rich cultural heritage is simple and humble,
Carved in hope and faith.
Rain brings joy and life; a weed grows,
Light sparkles, and yellow surrounds, with just a little water.
Trying to stand, it holds a strong smile,
Believing it will move forward into a non-treacherous life.

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