A lifeless soul, in a lush land.
A seed with no coating covered,
Shining white in the hope of life
Sand covers with scorching sun.
The rain showers with night light
Darkness filled at the bottom burrow.
Every glimpse looks for lite light.
To live a nontreacherous
The path it came, the glare it tasted.
Taught the little one, that water is precious,
Life will end, if the flower is withered.
Air is too messed up for being to see again.
Water gets a seat, and tells fond things.
Tampering the core to exhibit the inn.
Giving all to the surrounding lives
Being a lifeless soul for else mercy.
Learned, The roots are precious,
Leaves are blessings.
The shadow is mutual, to live,
to smile, the sun must be light
The more the headline clears,
clearer the life become
Life lives, seed sprouts, Air sustains
Nature returns to glory before.