One summer morning, just two days after completing his sixty-one birthday, Senior Vice president sales & marketing, Mr. Pradip Dey had a fall while alone in his apartment. He wasn’t found until many hours later when his daughter Mouli from his first wife, puzzled at not being able to reach him by phone, sent his boyfriend Raghav to investigate. He discovered Pradip lay out beside the living room couch, nearly unconscious. At the hospital, the medical team gave him intravenous fluids and a series of tests and X-rays. They found no broken bones or head injury. Everything seemed ok. They also found no explanation for his fall beyond general frailty.
On his hospital’s bed in a state of half consciousness, Pradip Dey still was able to remember the day when he took Mrs. Sood by her back for the first time. Some strategic meeting was going on in a small hill station surrounded by lush green valleys in western side of India. The expanse of the exquisite hill station far away from the hustle and bustle of the crowded Mumbai, made his mind filled with romanticism. It was then his eyes caught with sood’s deep succulent cleavage. Completely overwhelmed with the sight and with unmitigated excitement, he sent SMS to Sood’s cell phone. Sood came to his room leaving her meeting halfway with all trepidation. Dey took no time to disrobe her and began to charge her from behind.
- Oh Sir, it is huge, she said with a wistful moan, as some profound terror shook her body but she stood firm like a four-legged animal on his bed.
Humiliated the then GM – Sales & Marketing at having humiliated his product manager said – Oh yes, there is something huge stored this next financial year for you. I want you to become a strategic marketing head. Will you be able to live up to my expectations?
Sood nodded yes.
Pradip too stood by his word. He not only incremented her salary on the basis of calculating the extra cost of minimum one mount per month multiplied by twelve months but also pushed her forward in life by giving her a title – Manager – Strategic Marketing. Although to leverage the extra cost, he had to remove his marketing manager Indranil and needed to give increment to his driver Yedukondalu as a price to keep this secret away from the woman with whom he was in a living- in relation.
Sood was happy, extremely happy because in a world where nothing happens as expected, where every people live slightly out of the sync with everything and everyone, where every day is a struggle, as one doesn’t simply know what and how things are going to show up for him, where every day people are working hard with a want to be seen and heard, she managed to get a promotion, a chance to rule over others, a chance to prove her superiority among peers. She in her 27th year of age envisioned her career in Best Pharma Limited extremely rosy without its thorns. Though from inside, deep down her heart she felt a little whorishness, not because of the reasons she offered her body to someone outside her marriage but because of the fact that she did it without tinges of love.
A whore is a whore not for her promiscuous relations with many men in her life. She is a whore because she does all these for material benefits like money, power or position other than love or sexual pleasure.
A whore can’t stand a whore and especially when a whore is a five-year junior to her. It’s a kind of professional jealousy similar to every professional goes through in life.
So, when Monobina Paul, the youngest brand executive in the office with Mount Everest like pair of breasts took the same path as shown by Sood and began sleeping with GM, fear entangled her.
The image of Pradip groping monobina’s huge breasts sent some green –eyed monster like feeling inside her mind. First, she started threatening Pradip in the name of some pseudo- love- possession, later she started terrorizing him by saying that she might resign from her post and make everything in black in white before management.
Pradip too was looking for an opportunity outside Best Pharma. Under his leadership Best Pharma witnessed a sharp decline in its product usages among its domestic customers. He first increased the price of a few brands and then brought in a few expansions with newer divisions-brands-market. Unfortunately, none of his endeavours could save his face before management. To mark-up profit, he had to merge a few divisions, removed a few brands from the market and asked few people to leave the organization by showing their non-performances and tightened up expenditure towards the cost of marketing and training people. In more than seven years of his tenure, Best Pharma continued to manage the same 5 Cr average businesses every month. Best Pharma was truly becoming an organization with full of unskilled people at the bottom and high salaried individuals at top, an organization where front-line managers and business executives are overly managed.
So, when Pradip faced a new opportunity, Sood only helped him with the preparations of slides for his presentation. She didn’t mind burning up a few candles up to midnight. But under no circumstances this act of benevolence from her side should be viewed as an altruistic act of a subordinate for her mentor. She sensed a bright future – More money, more power and a chance further to rise above her peers.
On May 31st around 12 noon, Pradip Dey breathed his last. There was no one by his side, not even his daughter, as she was on her US tour. Raghav did his funeral. His epitaph can only be summarized as someone who died a death of a commoner, who ate, drank, humped many women and rose up to the level of senior vice president before he breathed his last.
Only Raghav noticed that he ejaculated in his undies before dying his death.