When it comes to religion and spirituality, I feel that 'Leftovers' deals about specific topic that is rather taboo. They figured out a method to keep it mysterious and exciting without upsetting people.
What makes it illegal to curse in public? Why don't we say or do things that aren't appropriate? How else might we teach our children about the taboos that are in our society?
Taboo is a Polynesian word that means "not allowed." It indicates that something is forbidden. Taboo is founded on the concept that the action that a person is about to undertake is too holy, but it is also too violent for any other common person in society to perform the same activity.
Taboos are widespread in many traditional cultures across the world. Taboos are practices in certain areas that, if broken, can result in a variety of punishments ranging from mild to severe. I smirk in my brain whenever I hear that India is developing. How can India ever progress when so many ideas and ideologies are attempting to hold it back? We have yet to overcome so many taboos, crimes, and injustices that we lag far behind any of the countries we aspire to be like. Cows are considered sacred animals in India. Beef eating is prohibited by Hinduism, India's major religion. The ban of eating flesh is a taboo in several cultures. It makes a distinction between Hindus who eat cow's flesh or who do not. Pork consumption is banned in several faiths, such as Judaism and Islam, and is regarded as a taboo. In many places of India, widows are compelled to become bald. Her going out of the house and socialization come to a sudden stop with their husband's death , A woman is deemed "impure" during her menstrual cycle and has minimal social access. She is forbidden from visiting temples, touching specific objects, associating with people, washing her hair, or touching the feet of elders.
The relevance of taboos is that they help to maintain peace between God and spirits, as well as between human and nature of creation. Breaking taboos is a highly essential component of social etiquette. This is because violating taboos might be the result of the end of a relationship or the loss of a business opportunity and a new connection. Prostitution, adultery, alcoholism, theft, sexual immorality, violence, and other immoral and anti-social actions are all taboos in many traditional communities and are punished severely.