Like pictures remind us of our precious memories, as music brings us to the climax, good films can make us remember our dreams and reignite our passion with an ever-burning fuel that we have forgotten we are born with. From simple comedies to cleverly satirical dark humor, from thrillers to thought-provoking suspense, there is no such a great genre to stick with in fact every great piece has its place on this vast platform.
Some watch movies to escape from their hectic day life and some just to entertain despite being a piece for entertainment it can sometimes embody the complexity of this harsh reality we live in. The epic biopic of the great achievers shows us how an ordinary man thrives through success, from all the oppression and criticism they prevail and we can also become like them and fight for our dreams instead of being stuck in mediocrity. Although we have heard so much about the atrocities of war and how we hurt ourselves in the quest for glory and victory, some of us aren't quite convinced yet. We've heard it in stories and learned it in history but it is only when the scenes are simulated in a frame that our hearts are wrenched and the pain is felt as if the wounds are fresh. We could only imagine how a newlywed bride would miss her man who was sent to war and never to return home but seeing this scene in a picture only rips our hearts and even we have gone that far to curse whoever was responsible for this cruel act. And yet we are broken we are even more encouraged with the spirit of nationality to go a bit further beyond the horizon to conquer more.
From the thought-provoking spooky tales from our childhood, we are intrigued by the captivating storytelling styles but I only knew the trick after I was grown big enough. And finding a film with a solid narrative with a captivating narrator, uhh that way I can never get bored throughout the stretch. I always need that spark of inspiration to make me feel alive again and just listening to that perfect narrative can keep me running for weeks or even months and depending on the influence, I'm unstoppable. Seeing that naive rookie blasting off with that robust enthusiasm not knowing that any moment it could go wrong, gives me a spirit like nothing else, and even at the end of the story if the spirit fades I could still recall the bright intros and feel alive.
Above all the genres that I love, I won't be able to relate more than the coming-of-age genre. I always wanted a role model to guide my character but haven't had any but I should say I've learned a lot from the characters in the movies. Teenage is an age of confusion, wild dreams, and vulnerability. I always fall to the group seeking a visceral experience but didn't know how 'Dazed and Confused' is one of my all-time favorite movies and I'll never get bored watching it over and over, the dynamic scenes and the spontaneity of the characters with Richard Linklater's specialty, the essence of time, and those sick soundtracks ahh, to me, it's just the perfect movie.
As a fan of the movies, I watched the popular ones and the underrated ones and kept asking myself which movies I wanted to watch and it didn't take too long to answer, it's not the genre or the characters or even the artist, it's about narrative and the director. Speaking of directors Christopher Nolan is a well-known director, I've always loved meticulous and intricate works, and in a Nolan film I certainly can dig some of that. Sci-fi genres also have a thing for me, and seeing the movie Interstellar, I've never been more intrigued about science and black holes than never.
Imagine a family on a weekend, after a delicious dinner they all sat down in front of the TV for the Saturday night special movie. They are all stoked, from the youngest kid to the man of the family, as the movie goes on the teen daughter dreams of becoming that high-spirited girl in that movie ready to tackle any obstacle she stumbles into. And for the youngest boy sitting on the stacked cushion on the floor, well he's equipped with new words to hurl at whoever scolds at him next time. The mother is just happy that they are all together and starts to get a bit worried that might not last long and maybe she could end up like that poor old lady in the movie in her late 80s spending the rest of her life miserably with a cat, unattended and unloved. So every person in the room despite their ages and gender and responsibilities connected to a character that they thought was close to them or maybe cause they like to be or however they related, they all felt spoken and they all resolved with realistic reasons. And my idea of a movie is that it speaks to all types of people and races and it's a medium for connecting souls and spirits.