Photo by Thirdman: pexels

Partner Authors are entitled to payment on the basis of the total read time spent by readers on their stories/ articles. The payment will be disbursed monthly. The existing as well as new Authors can apply for ‘Partner Author Status’. Authors shall ensure to adhere to the ‘Reflections Writing Standards’.

  1. How do you determine the time spent on any story/ article? 
    When a reader spends more than 50 % time to the total read time of any particular story/ article, it is admitted that the reader has read the full story/ article and accordingly, it is considered as one read. The money distribution is based on the total reads. For e.g., the total read time of the article is 5 minutes and if the reader spends 2.5 or 3 minutes, it is considered a full read.

  2. What do you mean by ‘Time Spent’?
    Time spent on the page of any story/ article means the total active time that the reader stayed on the page without interruption. It is a combination of the total pause the reader is taking on the page and the gaps between scrolls. The total time should exceed 50% of the total read time of the story/ article to be considered as one read in the account of a reader.

  3. How is the payment distribution calculated?
    Suppose 5 readers have read your one article on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in a month. All these 5 subscribers are monthly subscribers. The total number of articles read by them is 10 for each of the different authors. The 50% portion of their subscription will be distributed amongst those 10 authors proportionately.

  4. What is the portion of subscription fees is entitled to distribution amongst Authors?
    Half a portion of subscription fees is distributed amongst the Authors.

  5. When can I see the total income generated in my account?
    In the ‘Story Stats’ tab, on the right-hand side dropdown button, you can see on a daily basis the total time spent by the readers on your stories/ articles and the total income earned by you. The payment is, however, disbursed on a monthly basis i.e. between the first 10 days for the previous month.

  6. Where can I reach to report the discrepancies in the payment disbursed, if any?
    You can report the discrepancies by clicking the ‘Report’ tab in the right-hand side dropdown button.

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