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In today’s time, writing involves distinct aspects that contribute to its overall effectiveness and quality. Each segment plays a crucial role in delivering a well-crafted and engaging piece of content. People’s Reflections believe in preserving the standard and credibility of our content. All our writers are requested to follow this standard and comprehend these details. 


  • The title is the foremost thing that readers see and thus it should be able to capture their attention while accurately reflecting the content.
  • A convincing title should be explanatory, engaging, and prompting readers to click and read further.
  • The standard word limit of a title is 5-10 words. Though the word limit also relies on the overall context of the article, the author must try to write the title in the most concise and adequate way possible.
  • The title should also include relevant keywords to optimize search engine visibility.


  • While the title grabs the attention, the subtitle works to deliver some additional context to the content.
  • The standard word limit of the subtitle is 15 – 25 words. It should extend the main concept of the content and offer a brief overview, giving readers a glance at what they can expect from the content.

Main Discourse of the Content:

  • The main discourse or the main body is where all the core content resides. This part should be organized and structured logically.
  • The standard word limit of the main body of the content is 800-1200 words.
  • Each part should offer clarity and flow seamlessly to the next. Headings, subheadings, and points can enhance readability.
  • Relevant examples, proof, expert opinions, and references add credibility and depth to the content.


  • Including images can enhance the visual appeal of the content and help express it effectively.
  • The images should be relevant, high-quality, and properly sized.
  • They should be used ethically, respecting copyright laws and suitably attributing if required. To avoid any copyright issues, you can use websites like Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels, which provide free-to-use images.
  • If you are using images under public domains or from different platforms, the image reference, sources, and links should be mandatorily cited beneath the images.

Following SEO Strategies:

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is the strategy of enhancing the visibility of the content and rating on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines across the globe. It involves making certain changes and adding many aspects like meta keywords, description, and URL. By following proper SEO strategies, the authors can improve content visibility, attract more organic traffic, and increase the chances of reaching their target audience.

  • Optional title: At People’s Reflections, we provide our authors a preference of ‘Optional Title’. It can be utilized if the author desires to express more about their content or mention any slight specifics about the content. It will appear below the main title and subtitle of the content and it has a word limit of 20-25.
  • Language: It is necessary to select to which language the author’s content belongs. Since People’s Reflections is an open platform, we invite people to write in any language, and we intend to encourage uniformity in writing and reading.
  • Meta Keywords: These are a type of meta tags in SEO. Authors need to mention relevant and important keywords or phrases regarding the content under this section.
  • URL: Unique Resource Locator (URL) is the web address of a particular content on the web. It should be concise, descriptive, and ideally include relevant keywords that reflect the content. A precise URL improves the reach and makes it more manageable for search engines to locate the content.
  • Meta Description: It is one of the most significant aspects of SEO strategies which contains a brief summary of the content that appears in search engine results. It should accurately summarize the content and entice readers to click on the content. A detailed meta-description enhances the readability rate and draws more readers.

Quality of the Content:

  • High-quality content is important for establishing credibility and engaging the readers.
  • The content should be well-researched, authentic, and correctly cited with all the credits and references of the information.
  • Avoiding grammatical errors, and maintaining a uniform writing type is also important for delivering quality content. The authors can likewise use writing tools like Grammarly and Scribbr for an accurate assessment of the grammar of their content.


  • Plagiarism is a serious ethical and legal violation that refers to using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without proper attribution.
  • At People’s Reflections, plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and goes against our values of regulations. We also employ distinct measures to detect and prevent plagiarism, and any instances found will be dealt with accordingly. Plagiarism can also be checked by authors by using various plagiarism checking tools which are easily available on the web.
  • Authors should submit content that is entirely their own work and properly acknowledges any sources used.


  • Before submitting any content, proofreading is an essential and mandatory step. It involves carefully reviewing the content for any grammatical errors, unsolicited repetitions, and arrangement inconsistencies.
  • Proofreading ensures that the content is precise before publishing, enhancing its credibility and professionalism. 

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