Dark chocolate has a quite limited number of fans, but they all are completely devoted to the royal taste of dark chocolate. It is a form of chocolate with little to no added milk-solids. The basic ingredients of dark chocolate contain cocoa solids, cocoa butter, lecithin, sugar and flavouring. It might sound too good to be true, but dark chocolate can provide plenty of health benefits because it contains a true superfood, Cacao, also known as “Food of the Gods”. There are countless studies to support the health benefits of dark chocolate, but it similarly has some negative impacts on the body in case of excessive consumption. Studies have shown that dark chocolate can have some health benefits and an excessive amount of it can similarly become unhealthy for the body. We will see some benefits and drawbacks of consuming dark chocolate that is supported by medical science.
Unprocessed cocoa beans are among the highest-scoring foods that have been tested for high antioxidants. Dark Chocolate is loaded with biologically active organic compounds and process as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavonols, and catechins. Research has also shown that cocoa and dark chocolate had more antioxidants activity of polyphenols and flavanols than any other fruits tested, which included multiple types of berries.
Consuming dark chocolate can boost multiple significant risk factors for heart disease. Cocoa decreases oxidized Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or Bad Cholesterol. The compounds in dark chocolate appear to be largely protective against the oxidation of LDL. In long terms, this should result in much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries, transpiring in a lower risk of heart disease. Some studies have suggested that eating dark chocolate two or more times per week lowered the risk of having heart diseases by 32%, and it significantly helped for better heart rate.
Dark Chocolate with high cocoa content is quite nutritious. It contains a decent amount of soluble fibre and it is loaded with minerals. A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-80% cocoa contains 98% of Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of Manganese, 89% of RDI of copper, 67% of the RDI of iron and 11 grams of fibre. It also has plenty of magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and selenium. A large amount of dark chocolate is not something you should be consuming and thus dark chocolate is best consumed in moderation.
Dark chocolate contains cocoa, which significantly improves the cognitive functions of the brain in elderly people with mental impairment. It may improve verbal fluency and multiple risk factors for some disorders as well. Moreover, cocoa contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which are the key reasons why dark chocolate can boost brain function in the short term.
A high amount of dark chocolate is higher in saturated fats and sugar that may increase blood sugar level unexpectedly. A single ounce of dark chocolate is nearly equal to 15% calories that mainly come from fats and sugar and this can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, it's worth noting that dark chocolate is a rich source of powerful antioxidants and much beneficial than white or milk chocolate. And thus, it is always advised to intake dark chocolate in moderation.
Dark chocolate is high in oxalates that can contribute to the formation of the most common type of kidney stones. According to Harvard Medical School, if you are prone to the risk of kidney stone formation or you have ever had a kidney stone before, you must avoid stone-forming food items, including dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate can probably trigger migraine headaches. According to Clemson University, dark chocolate contains tyramine in addition to caffeine. Tyramine is a stimulant which is thought to possibly trigger the migraine headaches in some people. However, the complete data is inconclusive because only a few people are affected in this manner through the dark chocolate. More studies are needed to understand the relationship between dark chocolate and migraine headaches.
Dark chocolate contains a high amount of caffeine than milk chocolate. Thus, eating more dark chocolate means consuming more caffeine which can lead to several negative side effects, such as increased heartbeat, anxiety, irritability, dehydration, and nervousness. Moreover, it can also cause a spike in blood pressure and may severely affect sleep patterns. If you are suffering from increased blood pressure level or sensitivity to the effect of caffeine, you should avoid consuming dark chocolate.