Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Everything was deep and dark, thoughts were juggling.
The girl who once had to fly is now lost in counting wings.
The world has made her lose her shine,
How will she get up again and be fine?

She was lost in a dark room,
Everyone has left her alone to face doom.
She needs a bit of love, affection, and care,
But all she receives is denial, disappointment, and a lot of tears.

Confusion and frustration have made her dark and skinny,
No one was ready to confront her feelings,
The world has made her vulnerable in accepting things and dealing,
She tried to stand up against all odds, but felt dizzy.

But that is not the end of her struggle,
She endeavored to break the bubble,
She met the person who became a beacon of belief,
His warmth, care, and attention brought her some relief.

He whispered in her darkness and bestowed upon her the happiness of light,
She started healing and embraced those dark nights,
He became her strength and upheld her in every chapter of her story,
With him, she disproves society and achieves her own glory.

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