‘’Don’t touch my wings, they are as pure as snowflakes,
just think of the little soul who’s killed by your dearer
don’t make them dirty, let me keep them limpid
take all those memories which need not be
printed just let me live and love in joy coz am a
pretty girl, not your handy toy’’
The feeling of fear and hurt is still an unacceptable emotional situation everywhere, the persistence emotional disquietude is a silent killer. Let me tell you about a colleague of mine, I remember her telling me about the the first time she had talked it with her family. No one was able to get the situation, her mom called it an illusion and her brother as just a feeling of temporary stress because of daily routine and exams, while her father was just focusing on good sleep and proper workout schedules. But what she was feeling was far away to be understood by any of them. She told me that she wanted to consult a physiologist to get out of the state of constant fear and lost-out feeling.
It started with her since childhood days, the days where she was a seven-year-old kid. I was clearly able to see that fearful child inside her when she was explaining the unwanted as well as incoherent ways of being sexually harassed or a much better way what we call bad touch.
As a child firstly she wasn’t able to figure out what was going on with her. It is the point where comes the point of parents-child relations. We as parents should be well aware of when and how to introduce our child to different good and bad factors around. We should observe the actions as well as responses of our child. We must introduce them to the concept of good and bad touch at a particular time.
These stories of hidden touches kept on increasing with the poor girl regularly with the advancing years suppressing the emotional health of an advancing child. With every other person touching, her soul was dying. The girl knew no way out of the situation. what she only knew was to keep silence, as no one taught her to speak about these hidden devils.
‘‘everything ceases & tears speak unease
of somatic hassle on its peak…
The most chagrin thing she was going through was that, all what she was being faced to was in her very personal space, the safest space of her. So the fear of being in close atmosphere in-house status never let her speak a word. She was afraid to be not understood and also of the name family that existed.
But how long this all will continue was the concern, and this concern killed her every moment of life. Everything around her was becoming hollow day by day. A soul that must be joyfully and cherished turned to a gloomy and melancholic one.
‘’when the clock pins speak in the silence
around heart is dark with the aggravating
wounds… knives and swords babel in mind
dark darkness & everything blind ‘’
So, who is responsible for this situation, is that our parents, relatives, society or this girl itself. Actually no one and truly all. Parents for not being able to recognize the surroundings and not to understand the heart of their children. Relatives, for not asking children about their joy rather asking about grades or taking little girls for granted to touch, behind the curtain of family bonds. Or the girl is to be blamed for being innocent and not able to get what’s happening with her.
Many had written about such concerns and many will, but the whole things revolve around the point that are we really interested in curing the things out because ultimately it all depends on our individual efforts to change the whole scene.
As parents we need to consider and watch every little change in our child’s behavior plus as a relative or family friends it’s our prime responsibility to not take other person for granted.
And above all as a human the only change we could adapt is by considering the other person as you. Would you allow or like someone to mentally or physically harass you…? undoubtedly, the answer is no…never. So, watch yourself, watch your actions. And finishing up the discussion with a message to my girls.
People will come and many have been
But you…yes you can change this entire filthy scene
Be brave and summon up your nerves
Don’t let your sound box so silent in fear
It’s your body your mind
And your world dear
Speak and stand
And make your life grand…