World Environmental Day (WED) is celebrated throughout the world on the 5th of June. Nearly 150 countries participate in the event. We know that we have to save our earth for future generations.

The Programme has been led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since its inception in 1973. Today we are celebrating 50 years (Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Environment Day).

Significance of the WED Day: The Significance of World Environmental Day being we need to protect the environment without which life on the earth is impossible for all of us. We need to work unitedly to improve our earth it is very precious to us to breathe and to live happily

We need to understand the facts and figures of the intensity of pollution.

  1. The resources extracted from Earth every year- 90 billion tons.
  2. The people pollute the Earth. -7.8 billion
  3. The consumers in the World. - 4.1 billion
  4. The wastes dumped every year-2.12 billion tons
  5. The e-waste produced every year-50 million tons
  6. The production of synthetic chemicals -$7.8 trillion

WHO Says that “Every year, exposure to pollution is estimated to cause seven million premature deaths and result in the loss of millions more healthy years of life”?

The theme of the year June 2023 will focus on solutions to plastic under the Campaign #Beat Plastic Pollution.

Image by Silke from Pixabay

The problems like…Deforestation Climate Change and more use of plastics nearly 36 percent of all plastic produced are for packing out of which 85 percent of which ends up in landfill or as hazardous waste.

Nearly 400 million pieces of plastic have been produced as per recent estimates and the World is overloaded with Plastic, only 10 percent of the plastic will be recycled, and nearly 24 million pieces of plastic create an environmental threat everywhere, we see lumps of plastic in landfills and in water fills and it is creating health hazards. Without our knowledge, we are consuming daily the Microplastic as we are getting everything in plastic sachets only. Consuming microplastic is very harmful to the human.

How we produce, use, and dispose of plastics pollutes ecosystems, creates risks for human and animal health, and destabilizes the climate.

The ending of plastic pollution requires reducing the size of the problem by eliminating unnecessary plastics, we need to follow the four R formulas Reduce-Reuse-recycle – and Reorient, and diversify, by shaping the market for plastic alternatives to enable safe and sustainable substitutions.

Everyone has to play a key role as an individual, as an NGO, as a community as an institution. The local, state, and central governments should take proper initiatives on our environment and create a more sustainable world.

We need to take small initiatives by people who can make a big impact. These initiatives are as indicated below:

  1. We need to Stop using plastic on a day-to-day basis.
  2. Plant a tree in a year on your Birthdays and marriage Days
  3. It is our responsibility of us to keep our society clean and maintain hygiene.
  4. We are not supposed to throw garbage in rivers and seas.
  5. Use only recycled ones.
  6. We need to learn to reuse things.
  7. Ride a bicycle more. Shorter distances by Walk.
  8. Judicious Usage of Water
  9. Our Resources are limited try to Exploit resources to a minimum level.
  10. Rivers should not be polluted with hazardous substances like acids and
  11. Afforestation by reducing the use of wood and planting a greater number of trees every year.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The resources of our planet are limited we need to follow the circular economy as a sustainable, future-oriented, which aims to keep raw materials in a closed loop, by which we can use resources to the optimum by which waste is avoided in other words. The waste of today becomes the raw material of tomorrow- the same as in nature.

Addressing Plastic Pollution is a big challenge and requires a systematic plan to find its root causes rather than the symptoms. If everyone feels that it’s our responsibility we can certainly, hopefully, we will collectively do it

Hopefully, World Environment Day 2023 will certainly showcase how countries, businesses, and individuals are learning to use the material more sustainably, offering hope that one day, plastic pollution will be history.

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