A school is a conglomeration of various students, teachers, and administrative machinery. They are all inextricably twined together to form a perfect “System” A constant action-reaction takes place to produce a blemish-less end product in the shape of Good Student, who eventually becomes a prospective citizen, carrying on his shoulders the responsibility of the welfare of his Motherland. Any single mistake in this reaction may tilt the balance of the system.
When children are young of age between 1to 10 years. Children will be comfortable with grandparents and they live to share everything with them than the parents. Parents get less time for their children because of their preoccupation with their employment/ Jobs. Growing Children age is being crucial and we need to guide them at the right age which is good or bad by which children can differentiate themselves at the early age. We need to be careful when we talk and our actions which should be acceptable and by which we can play an important role in molding them in the right direction. Their talents should be appreciated such that they keep on learning new things day by day.
Parents have to take out some time to spend at least one hour with them to enquire about the school and what they have learned in school. The parent can assess their performance by interacting regularly and guiding them will certainly help the children motivated tenfold. Parents should feel that the children are their best friends as we need to share our experiences and difficulties at an appropriate time.
We need to expose them to all kinds of activities and they learn themselves if we take them to shops and they need to know about our immediate surroundings and should be in a position to stand on their legs without anybody’s assistance in due course of time.
If you want the child to be successful and to achieve his/ her goals, encourage and motivate him. Love your kids both when they succeed and when they fail. Provide empathic encouragement as a reward for an achievement, but also to minimize the frustrations of failure. Teach the child to look at failure as a situation of learning and not as a tragic situation. Listen and be supportive, encourage instead of crushing child’s capacity to say no, at all costs.
We need to love our children and it doesn’t mean that we can bring them moon from the heaven. Too much pampering will lead to laziness and carelessness and we need to involve them in our day-to-day activities like taking their help as well by which they will understand the work.
Discipline: Discipline and respect for our elders and teachers are the most important behavioral attitude and we need to train them such that they never disrespect any elderly person or the teacher.
The role of the teacher is multi-faceted comprising of academic, pedagogical, and social roles. As a facilitator of learning the real teacher who does not only teach but moulds the child in a perfect direction some time parents may not know their child inherent talents but the teacher recognizes instantly and will encourage the students to excel in their field of interest. The teacher creates a conducive environment for learning to take place while maintaining the discipline of the class. The Social role of the teacher includes facing the life challenges, knowing more about our surroundings, responsibilities to parents and society.
Influence of the Teachers: The teacher is the heart of the educational system and plays an important role in children's education right from pp1 (nursery). Children trust the teacher and learn whatever she teaches, and admires them in their lifetime. No other personality can have an influence more profound than that of a teacher. The students try to follow their teacher in their mannerisms, customs and etiquettes, style of conversation, and appearance as well. Students determine their aims of life and their future plans in consultation with their beloved teachers only.
Gurukuls: We used to have Gurukuls in the olden days students used to send them for learning and excelling in their academic and other activities. There they used to learn discipline and they may be very rich even sons of affluent families but they used to sleep on the floor and they used to collect all needed essential from the forest or nearby places to cook their own food and they used to respect their teacher or Guru and used to learn Vedas, Upanisths and Moral stories of brave men and women. Now we hardly find such institutions.
Now a day’s Most of the schools are concentrating on academics they hardly give time for Games and sports moreover they don’t have a place to play. Schools train and teach only to get marks in the annual and competitive examinations,
Teacher’s Day: Teachers day is celebrated on 5th September every year since 1962 as it is the birth as it is the birth anniversary of the second president of India, Sri Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. When he became the president of India, some of his students requested him to allow him to celebrate his birthday, on 5 September, in a response he said, “instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege, if September 5th is observed as Teachers’ day. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an evocative teacher, exceedingly popular among the students. Teachers make us think beyond practical boundaries (four walls) and helping us to do phenomenal things. She/he helps the students to overcome their fears and she/he nourishes our abilities.
It’s not me but the majority of the parents does the same mistake knowingly or unknowingly. From 6th standard onwards parents will change the school just because their child should excel-like other parents children in academics. They have only two options in their minds to give long-term coaching right from 6th standard either for MBBS or Engineering that too in top IITs.
If the child is extraordinarily well in Maths then the only parent should take the right decision in giving coaching for IIT’s otherwise He/ She should not force our children to take such courses. Many parents compare with other colleagues and feel that their ward should also to be admitted even though their performance is average.
The craze for IIT”s: We know particularly in the Telugu Speaking States that the crazy of parents towards their wards in opting engineering that too for IITs is a well-known fact. They send special classes to Ramaiah Institute Sharma Institute and many such institutes which were prevailing in around Hyderabad.
Encourage Children’s Passion: We need to understand there are many areas/streams based on their interest and passion we need to select and students have fair knowledge after competing tenth calls they will in fact tell us what combinations of subjects they prefer to take, we need to honour their views as a parent and should not become a hindrance in their academic growth.
As Locke says: Every individual at birth is Tabula Rasa a clean slate on which nothing but experiences writes”. In this “Nature-Nurture ” equation where both of them play equally important roles in the development of any child. Every student is a complex amalgamation of potential talents. Given the proper vent, his/ her latent skills erupt. So a multidirectional approach is being adopted to develop their overall personality. The various components–intellectual, cultural physical, aesthetic combine to form a well-knit “grid”. A soft touch at the right spot and he/she triggers off to give his best.
We cannot paint a picture of it today. Let’s prepare them to face any eventuality, lets cross –ventilate their brains by encouraging them to keep their eyes open and their mind always receptive. It’s the duty of both parents and teachers since socialization starts at home.