Source: PremierCompanies from Pixabay
The GHI varies between the best possible score of 0 and the worst possible score of 100. A higher score indicates greater hunger. The lower the score, the better country’s situation. GHI scores above 20 are considered serious; scores greater than 35 are alarming, and scores exceeding 50 are extremely alarming.
The report, prepared jointly by Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organization Welt Hunger Hilfe, termed the level of hunger in India “alarming”.
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Children's nutritious status deserves particular attention because a deficiency of nutrients places them at high risk of physical and mental impairment and death.
The most affected countries are Somalia, Yemen, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Liberia, Haiti, Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone, and Mozambique
Top GHI Countries: Eighteen countries, including China, Brazil, and Kuwait shared top rank with a GHI score of less than five on hunger and malnutrition.
Over 33 lakh children in India are malnourished,17.7 lakh of them are Severally Acute Malnourished(SAM), and 1.5 million Moderately Acute Malnourished(MAM). India has slipped to the 101 positions in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) of 116 countries, from its 2020 position of 94 th and it is behind its neighboring countries.
Signs of Improvement: However, India has shown improvement in other indicators such as the fewer than 5 mortality rate and it’s a great achievement when compared to other countries.
The reason for an increase in the GHI index mainly can be attributed to the absence of services like ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme) and midday meals in government schools during the prolonged closed of schools during the pandemic period. As we know most of the students depend on these services to fulfill their rights and entitlements
Maharashtra (6.6 lakhs), Bihar (4.7 lakhs), and Gujarat (3.2 lakhs) top the list and the survey has been conducted from 34 states and union territories.
Can we overcome the Global Hunger: As we know the famous proverb “Nothing is Impossible to a Willing Heart” If the millineries think it can be possible once Elon Musk said we need to identify someone who can plan and execute in an efficient manner he further said he will not mind spending 2 percent of his earnings for the great cause of the world. We need to appreciate him and others who are willing to contribute but they need an organization that can effectively do the same to justify.
Is it true if the millionaires of the world can contribute 2 percent of their wealth for the cause of providing nutritious food for the needy? As per the latest estimates, nearly 4.2 crores people are living without proper food and water. We need only 6 billion dollars equivalent to 45,000 crores. This has been disclosed by the UN organization as per the world food program Director David Beasley.
The billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and from India Mukesh Ambani, Adani, and many more can seriously think of the problem and should contribute 2 percent of their wealth and it is solving the issue of starving for food of 4.2 crores people across the world.
In India, the Hare Krishna organization had done quite efficiently by providing nutritious food for the unprivileged section of the society during the pandemic period. The UNICEF can take up an initiative by mobilizing the funds for the milliners and can justify most effectively if the takes things very seriously to resolve the issue. We are concerned world Wide organization is working in 25 countries and could make great progress and they have many success stories of the farmers. If people are willing to help the cause of hunger they may contribute their contributions to such organizations who are really helping on the site of poverty-driven countries.
We know that the world produces enough food to feed all 7.5 billion people, yet 1 in 10 people still go hungry every day. We also know that as a global society are falling behind on the United Nationals' goal of reaching Zero Hunger by 2030. Is it is possible we have real and genuine questions to answer the Issues?
Poor Farmers: As we the poor farmers have limited resources (including, land, labour, and finances) across the world. The poorest farmers tend to focus on growing a limited number of crops, such as maize, rice, pearl millet, beans, and sweet potatoes. We need to promote iron-enriched beans and pearl millet, and orange-fleshed, Vitamin A-rich sweet potatoes.
We need 9 ways to overcome hunger which has been elaborated in website (We are concerned world Wide) and it is really working in more than 25 countries and we could see their success stories among the farmers of African National. The Nine smart ways are:
The report noted that it is difficult to be optimistic in the future because the forces now driving hunger are overpowering good intentions and lofty goals. Among the most powerful and toxic of these factors are conflict, climate change, and covid-19- three Cs that threaten to wipe out any progress that has been made against hunger in recent years.:
According to Prof Banerjee, these surveys are model-based and we should not take those numbers (GHI) seriously as there were no ground survey publishing agencies of the global Hunger report. Prof Banarjee, currently a professor of economics at Massachusetts Institute of technology, in countries like Ghana and Kenya there is no way to get these (undernourishment, child wasting, and child stunting) data.
“All model based its sort of calculation of this much income than in India, this means these people will be pushed below the poverty line… phone-based survey which has their own biases because many people don’t have phones,” he observed.
Is ending world hunger possible? Yes, it is quite possible. But it requires political and collective action to actually achieve it. We have solutions and people are willing to contribute to the cause. We need to find out the root cause of hunger and poverty. We have seen many success stories of people like Hamida in Sudan, and Violette in Burundi. We have many countless success stories certainly we will end world hunger by 2030 if everyone thinks it is their collective responsibility.