Mother illustration vector created by freepik 

For Millions of Days,
She had caressed me with the kind loving heart of a mother...
While through million of Nights she protected me with the courageous spirit of a father...

I might have been missing something today
such thoughts make her eyes a little wetter...
But how would I feel any void
when I am blessed with a mother like her...

She struggled,
Faught and seek for my happiness and being...
Denying her oneself, Swallowing her own desire
How modestly she claimed her all delightness straight in me...

She is unique? A sweet resemblance to a brave warrior beauty...
She made deeper affirmations as parents with over most twice the duties ...

She stood by me,
Inspiring, encouraging, and cheering
to my worst, bad, and Good days through...
Ignoring the people's toxic, away from the hype "what so ever world will pursue?"...

She represents a mingled individual
A Fierce and compassionate
A Bold and Lovable
A strongest and Nurturer
An Entirely Distinct
Vividly independent virtue...

Today I proudly announce that
Yes, My mother is strong enough to become my father too...

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