I’ll start with My Secret Story,
The Author title is after all going to change to a Poet,
in full glory. . .
While I kept writing for People’s Reflections,
“Stop with these articles now, go write a poem!” – my heart always gave suggestions. . .
To my surprise, this feeling was amplified just a few days ago,
And the theme is announced like the team heard me thinking and said - Girl, Poetry, this time is the show!
Got exactly what I wanted to do. . .
Feeling grateful and on that note, let me take you to my next bead in this rosy string without any further ado. . .
Gratitude isn’t really a practice that’s tough or fancy,
Look at me! Just a writing-contest-theme of my choice got my heart dancing . . .
Think of whatever makes you smile and whatever makes you feel wonderful,
Just whisper “Thank-You” in God’s ears and you’re done
being grateful. . .
I am just thankful for the fingers that are typing this poem, for the Laptop that’s helping me do so,
Wait! Did I forget my eyes looking at this and my brain working so hard? Oh no! . . .
I am sure you’re getting better ideas and are turning to things that are already there,
Patience is the key to more blessings, Sweetheart! Stop focusing on When, How and where . . .
After being grateful, you are sure to feel the Positivity flowing inside you,
You will always find solutions, happiness,
and peace in one person - you . . .
You are your oldest friend! How will you find a forever companion in someone new?
All the answers that you need will be given by your Gut, keep looking for what God is saying, the Clue lies with you.
Is Magic real or is it imagination . . . ?
Or does it happen when you start looking inside You and find the Positivity station . . . ?
Does your Life’s train start running automatically with God being your loco Pilot . . . ?
Or is it just your mind’s movie where Happiness is the plane and you are the pilot . . . ?
You know what I think? Magic is simply a marvellous partnership of God and you . . .
Trust and thank Him and He will remove your old thinking and will unleash experiences anew . . .
There will then be nothing tragic,
All you need to do is believe, that there exists magic . . .
What makes us smile . . . ?
Visualizing that Magic exists, even if it’s for a short while . . . !
It’s when we experience that “I knew it was You” moment by looking at the sky,
It’s when on Life, you are high . . .
You smile when you make someone else smile, sharing a piece of your positivity-Cake,
That ear-to-ear happens even when you pass by a bakery smelling cookies, freshly-Baked . . .
That widening of your lips can be a result of your favourite song or just that one lovely line,
Actually, not much - Good poetries, magical words and the fragrance of roses is enough to make our hearts smile . . .
Hope my fragrantry brought a smile on your face,
And happiness in your heart, found a small space . . .