Source: Pexels 

1. Secret

I’ll start with My Secret Story,
The Author title is after all going to change to a Poet,
in full glory. . .
While I kept writing for People’s Reflections,
“Stop with these articles now, go write a poem!” – my heart always gave suggestions. . .
To my surprise, this feeling was amplified just a few days ago,
And the theme is announced like the team heard me thinking and said - Girl, Poetry, this time is the show!
Got exactly what I wanted to do. . .
Feeling grateful and on that note, let me take you to my next bead in this rosy string without any further ado. . .

Source: Pexels

2. Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t really a practice that’s tough or fancy,
Look at me! Just a writing-contest-theme of my choice got my heart dancing . . .
Think of whatever makes you smile and whatever makes you feel wonderful,
Just whisper “Thank-You” in God’s ears and you’re done
being grateful. . .
I am just thankful for the fingers that are typing this poem, for the Laptop that’s helping me do so,
Wait! Did I forget my eyes looking at this and my brain working so hard? Oh no! . . .
I am sure you’re getting better ideas and are turning to things that are already there,
Patience is the key to more blessings, Sweetheart! Stop focusing on When, How and where . . . 

Source: Unsplash

3. Positivity flows inside YOU

After being grateful, you are sure to feel the Positivity flowing inside you,
You will always find solutions, happiness,
and peace in one person - you . . .
You are your oldest friend! How will you find a forever companion in someone new?
All the answers that you need will be given by your Gut, keep looking for what God is saying, the Clue lies with you. 

Source: Pexels

4. Magic

Is Magic real or is it imagination . . . ?
Or does it happen when you start looking inside You and find the Positivity station . . . ?
Does your Life’s train start running automatically with God being your loco Pilot . . . ?
Or is it just your mind’s movie where Happiness is the plane and you are the pilot . . . ?
You know what I think? Magic is simply a marvellous partnership of God and you . . .
Trust and thank Him and He will remove your old thinking and will unleash experiences anew . . .
There will then be nothing tragic,
All you need to do is believe, that there exists magic . . .

Source: Pexels

5. Smile

What makes us smile . . . ?
Visualizing that Magic exists, even if it’s for a short while . . . !
It’s when we experience that “I knew it was You” moment by looking at the sky,
It’s when on Life, you are high . . .
You smile when you make someone else smile, sharing a piece of your positivity-Cake,
That ear-to-ear happens even when you pass by a bakery smelling cookies, freshly-Baked . . .
That widening of your lips can be a result of your favourite song or just that one lovely line,
Actually, not much - Good poetries, magical words and the fragrance of roses is enough to make our hearts smile . . . 

Source: Pexels

Hope my fragrantry brought a smile on your face,
And happiness in your heart, found a small space . . .

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