1. Imagine looking at the Serene White-Blue #Clouds,

“This too shall pass” is what they always Shout Out #Loud . . .

2. Imagine looking at the Dark Black Sky and the Shimmery-Shiny #Stars,

The collective light sparkles with hope, and loneliness starts seeming #Sparse . . .

3. Imagine looking at and experiencing the Sun! What does its Bright Light #Imply?

Feels warm like a Hug and won’t let you look at it for long, it’s so cutely #Shy . . .

4. Imagine looking at a lot of greenery – plants, trees, grass, and #Leaves,

Your eyes open a little wider and you begin to admire them and #Day-Dream . . .

5. Imagine looking at the Sun #Setting – it’s like watching a Movie #Show,

There’re colors changing, sky darkening and it disappearing before you even #Know . . .

6. Imagine looking at Water – A Sea, River, or a #Lake,

It teaches you calmness and purity, making you un-learn how to be #Fake . . .

7. Imagine looking at and breathing in, with eyes closed, the smell of the #Rose Flower,

Love, Romance, surprises are the many thoughts it pours into the heart with its Beauty #Shower . . .

8. Imagine looking out of the window when it Rains, when happy tears are what the Sky #Cries,

The raindrops make you stare at them, while the swift cold breeze nudges you to shut your #Eyes . . .

9. Imagine looking at yourself and feeling the "main character energy" just because there is Wind #Blowing on your Body and #Face,

That urge to touch and feel your hair, to subtly smile for no reason, to exist in bliss and to pause for a moment, your Life’s #Race . . .

10. Imagine looking at a Butterfly flying through the trees and #Skies,

You become a kid, moving your head with it and mentally saying it a #Hi!.. 

11. Imagine looking at the Prettiest Nature’s Creation – The #Moon and how it’s sometimes crescent and sometimes #Round,

Makes you wanna look at it with awe and play all the Chaand songs in the #Background . . . 

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