Note: Nazm = Poetry; Dastaan = Story.
September 1 to September 7 is celebrated as the “National Nutrition Week”, every year with an intention to spread awareness about the importance of Diet and Nutrition in our Life.
This year, however, I would want to spread awareness about Dietitians and Nutritionists, too because they are the knowledge-spreaders and their struggles are real.
Hey, Fellow Food Experts!
I know that the Nutrient Calculations are far easier than dealing with annoying and ignorant people! I “get” you. Hence, here is something for “Nutritionists” by a “Nutritionist”.
When you can't expect a Doctor to never fall #Sick,
Why do you always expect a Dietitian to not look #Thick . . .?
It's not a Dietitian's own Body or Look, that will make you healthier, it's the #Food,
So, stop being Mean and #Rude . . .
Can a Doctor never take #Crocin?
Then why is being fat or slim, for a Dietitian, a #Sin . . . ?
A Doctor gives you a Medical #Prescription,
A Dietitian gives you a Dietary #Prescription . . .
Their knowledge is true,
YOUR thoughts are based on #Fiction . . .
To be healthier and happier, please do as we say,
Why do you need to know our B.M.I. #Description?
Stop #Judging . . .
Start #Following . . .
Our strength lies in our Hard-work and #Knowledge,
So, don't bother if we are having a Fruit or a Potato #Wedge . . .
Food Experts tell you what they tell you because they’ve studied the #Books,
Focus on their advice and not on your mental image of how they should #Look . . .
Kuch toh Log Kahenge, Logo’n ka Kaam hai #Kehna,
People will always be “bothered” about you. #Hai na?
They will have a problem if you’re too #Thin,
They’ll have a bigger problem if you look #Big . . .
You cannot have acne because what about the fruits and #Hydration?
How are things not working like magic on your ownself is always a #Suspicion . . .
While you will be struggling, studying Physiology and #Biochemistry,
They will think Weight Gain and Weight Loss is your only #Mastery . . .
While Life could be happening with #You,
You are always physically and mentally healthy in their #View . . .
They would not want to recognize your #Potential,
But, if they do, all details of your choices become #Essential . . .
What do you Eat? When do you #Sleep?
Do you eat like us or do you survive on fruits and #Leaves . . .?
Why don’t you look like a gorgeous #Actor?
Why is your body weight not an X #Number . . .?
You are on the Spotlight in every Family Function and #Party,
Hey! Can you give me a Diet Plan? But, wait, why are you having that #Patty . . .?
They want to know everything about you only to give you unsolicited #Advice,
Because, forget about Nutrition! You NEED to stop eating #Rice . .
They've always known it all and always #Will,
Even if you weren’t an Expert, the Society would want to see you Roasted and #Grilled . . .
Wishing everyone Good Emotional Health, Great Mental Health and Awesome Physical Health.
And, More Power to the Nutrition Faculty/Fraternity!