When, in The Office, from the Tempting Gossips, you gotta stay #Away,

Sometimes, Silence can be a lot better than putting forward your #Say . . .

Image Source: Pexels

Not all the time, will it be a Black or White #Way,

Oftentimes, maybe it'll just be #Grey . . .

Don't feed assumptions and don't just look at what's presented in the #Tray,

For your Mental Peace, you can also just mould it in your Brain like #Clay . . .

Image Source: Pexels

Your Job's job is to give you, your Career, Exposure and #Pay,

'Tis a good idea to not expect relationships, friendships, fun and #Play . . .

Image Source: Pexels

Tell Word-Wars, a #Nay,

Give your Support Weapons, a #Yay,

Image Source: Pexels

When doing the work, without a second thought, give it your best shot, love it a lot and simply #Slay,

And, Boom! The grass is not always greener on the other side, be "Grateful" to your source of Livelihood, every single #Day . . .

Image Source: Pexels

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