Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash

Yes life is a cycle...
Everyone has our own life cycle,
We must pedal our life to win a race,
We must oil our life, not get stuck anywhere;
We must pump the air to boost the life; 
We must adjust our seat to move in any situation;
We must carry our supporters in backing;
We must change the life wheel whenever it tears;
We must light up a light to see the hurdles in our way;
We must have a grip handbars to stick in tough times;
We must alert the haters by ringing a bell;
We must put a break whenever we skit in life and also before hurting others;
We must love our life and enjoy the ride;
While riding our life cycle we will move towards so many ups and downs;
To have a smooth and smart ride;
we must equally give importance to all the parts of life cycle to have a enjoyfull and happy ride......
Whatever our life goes just have happy ride like a kid to cross all the obstacles with a strong smile, confidence and hope.......

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