In its narrowest sense, politics is what governments “do” or “not do” and in its widest, it covers the exercise of power by people in social relationships be it domestic, kinship, occupational cultural, or religious. It, therefore, becomes relevant to everyone’s everyday experience and affects us day by day and hour-by-hour.
Consider Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, the latter being one of the biggest suppliers of wheat in the world market. It has halted its exports of the commodity leading to scarcity in the international market resulting in food insecurity staring at the face of numerous citizens of countries that are dependent on imports of this basic commodity. The situation was contained considerably with the entry of India in filling up the vacuum, however, it too restricted its exports following the heat wave that spread across the sub-continent thereby limiting its production and managing its accompanied domestic inflation in food prices. Russia, on its part, is facing sanctions from the west, and in retaliation, has blocked gas supplies to Europe which is solely dependent on Russia for much of the supplies. The European citizens, thus look forward to a “grim winter” in absence of power that keeps them warm. It is therefore not the world leaders, safely ensconced, in their mansions and state-of-the-art offices who are bearing the brunt but the ordinary citizens and, who are gaining from these wars. The arms dealers of the west.
Similarly, consider the expansionist policy of China whose aggressive posture in the entire indo-pacific is threatening the existence of Taiwan, which China considers to be its territory, and has started to encircle Taiwan with its military built up and displaying its might close to the latter’s frontiers. Its standoff with India in the Dokolam and Ladakh region and disputes over territories with many of the countries of South East Asia along with Japan and Australia serve as other examples.
Whether it’s Turkey whose president seeks to revive the erstwhile lost Turkish empire or the Saudi prince making inroads for democratic values into the country which till now was seen as the Head of the conservative Islamic states, whether it’s the US hunting down the dreaded leader Al Zawahiri, the second to Bin Laden and a mastermind of 9/11 attacks, in Afghanistan or the recent Israel bombing of Gaza, taking out the leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of the main terrorist group operating in Gaza the other top group being Hamas, whether its torment of Northern and eastern Africa by the terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and Al Shabab or the former takeover of Iraq by the much notorious terrorist group ISIS.
In every case, the state or the powerful social groups, in whatever sense they deem justified, have tried and been trying to exert their power or dominance over the other group(s).
Let’s bring it to the household level, the basic unit of an organization. Here too, politics play its role. Consider parents exercising their power over their children. They try to make them toe the line, again, intentions here too will differ however the conceptual understanding holds that a husband expects his wife to abide by his self-proclaimed authority over her actions and ambitions. Though the picture is fast changing with women taking a stand against this traditional mindset, yet remains true for a large number of households. When such fault lines appear, in most cases, they lead either to divorce or domestic violence. The physically powerful tend to take over the weak through the exercise of brutal force. The result is the fragmentation of households and at a larger level, of society. It paves the way for the emergence of new world order at an international level and new societal norms and values at the domestic level. Such restructuring, however, comes at a price, paid by the very people and generation who get caught up and slain in the process.
A score of such examples either on international or domestic chess board, both in current and past history reflects the principles of politics, first, the Powerful taking over the weak, second, utilizing the opportunity to fill in the vacuum created due to disruptive forces, with intentions differing by different countries and third using the opportunity to create profits such as by the arms dealers, especially of the west. Conflict breeds struggle; struggle creates a vacuum and a vacuum is used by opportunists.
Thus, in a loose sense, politics may be defined as a social exercise of power whether such sociability is in the international or domestic context.
The inevitability of conflict and aggression among human beings for dominance has been intrinsic to human nature
Humans, since their beginning, have congregated for common good such as security and livelihood besides being social by nature. A limited population enabled decision-making by incorporating all the members of the community or tribes in whatever form they existed e.g. sabhas and samitis in the Indian context. Progression from being nomads to a settled life with the advent of agriculture and invention of the wheel and discovery of fire, the population started expanding and a multiplicity of wants brought about the division of labor to meet the demand of the ever-expanding population. Such an increase naturally would have made it impossible to make decision-making all inclusive of the individual members existing in a community and also not each viewpoint could be accounted for. Only those that resulted in the highest good for maximum people must have been entertained. Therefore it brought about the system where certain representatives from the entire population would come together for the decision-making while also exercising influence over the people. They were subjected to certain powers and privileges for the enforcement of commonly decided regulations, orders, and policies for the people. Such a body of elected or nominated representatives formed the basis of a democratic and representative form of government that supposedly, took into account majority views through dialogue and peaceful means to avoid any aggression by competing groups.
Zoom it out and fast forward it to modern times and what we have are the nation states, the largest form of organization known to mankind comprising of different smaller states, a variety of communities differing in language, religion, customs, culture, food habits, and a plethora of such variables, yet enjoined by a common territory. Governance of such large territories requires consensus building among various stakeholders and as such, is a fertile ground for the development of the conflict.
As already mentioned that since earliest times till the current period the element of conflict has been innate in any decision-making. It’s in the resolution of any such conflict is where the essence of politics lies.
If politics is a game, the election is its instrument.
Our first Prime Minister, in his Autobiography, said that democracy and capitalism are incompatible, but the expensive and complex administrative and political machinery which he imposed on a poor and largely illiterate nation has only succeeded in consummating this misalliance.
A handful of the population controls the majority. The disparity is even greater when we take into account the wolf of black money that comes with his privy paw daily eating into whatever is left for the “have-nots”.
The three pillars of democracy are the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary of which I would like to draw a connection between the first two.
Politically, the most doubtful concept for our country, India, was parliamentary democracy based on adult franchise, for two reasons. First, the idea of an adult franchise evolved to its present stage, in Britain, a small and prosperous country, after over five hundred years of gradual practice. Second, Democracy, as it is practiced through the adult franchise, before being a political arrangement, is a mindset. A mindset that is a product of education, information, and the qualitative values of the environment around. A democratic mindset can think independently and rationally. It would have taken any man of common sense only a few minutes to realize that such an expensive experiment in a poor and largely illiterate country then, would bring all political parties under the grip of businessmen and Industrialists, who alone had and till present have the means to finance the enterprise. The benefactors of the past i.e. before independence, who had given ex-gratia donations, now came forward as investors who demanded their pound of flesh. They soon transformed themselves into a new class of entrepreneurs who found that a more profitable but slightly roundabout way lay through the black market. Though the market is black, its pensioners are well known i.e. the political masters, and under their protection, these entrepreneurs could organize “lobbies” which enabled them to exert pressure on the government and make huge profits. Since the executive is drawn from the legislature, therefore, these two pillars of democracy in an uneducated and largely poor country could have been managed safely through investments made by big finances.
As if this was not sufficient when in the ‘70s and ‘80s booth capturing became the new malaise. The political class acquired goons and the underworld, as their muscle power, for poll booth capturing and intimidating voters into submission to a particular political candidate or execution of their political and other opponents. Under the protection of their political masters, these underworld elements grew out of proportion to be controlled by their very own masters. The Vohra- committee report delineated the politico-underworld nexus in detail and even named many politicians for the matter. The report however was conveniently put to oblivion, out of public scrutiny. These goons soon realized that instead of servicing their political masters, should acquire the position of power and thus started the phase of inclusion of such undesirable elements with a criminal record in the Indian political scenario, which, to much extent, continues up till the present day.
The times changed and so did the methods. Though the country has come off age concerning education, health, and standards of living especially the middle class, the election commission, and its robust measures to contain the spread of criminalization of politics and elections, much of what is said still stands true about the politics and elections in India. Brutal force is replaced by the exercise of soft power via technology in molding public opinion; multinationals and private enterprises still lobbying to influence public policies; freebies to gather votes and to divert the attention from the existential socio-economic problems and weaponization of religion, ethnicity, and regionalism for divisive politics.
“Common and intelligent people are inspired by facts, it’s the wise who is inspired by the truth”. The truth lies beyond the visible facts. It is only an informed public opinion divorced from medievalism that has the power to guide the nation and goad its political representatives into an era where the former is the master of its destiny rather than its pawn. Immunizing oneself from the happenings in the society and world around is not an option, it never was. Informed political participation, devoid of biases and embracing values and ideals which benefit humanity as a whole, rather than sectarian beliefs and wants, is the need of the hour. Political outlook should be continuously put to test by comparing and contrasting it with the political events and their outcomes on the nation as a whole. It should not be a hostage to traditional loyalty or allegiance to a particular political party or individual.
Elections, which are a barometer of public opinion, have become a data crunching exercise by the political parties. These parties study these data and seek to compete and arrive at an arrangement that provides each with maximum political mileage and power. Public welfare is hardly on their list of preferences or the mind. As such it is up to the general public to make themselves heard. It requires mobilizing public opinion on imminent issues of major and minor public importance and developing consensus on it through dialogues among different groups. Technology has provided enough means, should one has an intention, for connectivity and dialogue and Internet has provided access to enough information that till late was out of public reach.
To achieve such proficiencies in the public domain and at the political level, India needs what Swami Vivekanand called the “Man making” education. From a labor surplus country, India needs to transform itself into a nation of leaders that lead not just the country but the world. It requires leaders at every level who are educationally sound but more importantly, morally upright. The transformation from a British colony to an Independent country and going forward into a country of leaders require a change in the mindset. Secular education alone had not and will not help in gaining such a mindset. It is only through such “Man making” education can India produce leaders, whether in business or politics, that can lead, the country in particular and the world in general, into an era that was aptly described by the late Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore as;
“Where the mind is without fear
And the head is held high,
Where knowledge is free……
………. Into that heaven of freedom, my father,