Photo by Joanne Adela: Pexels

Disha: Let it go and move on. But how long do I have to let go of everything? I also have an endurance limit. Whenever anyone wants something new, I just have to let go. Why? I'm a woman.

(This dialogue was a conversation with myself) To this day she has forgotten everything she didn't want to remember. But after all these years, why was the fire of questions suddenly burning in the minds? At 55, where are the reasons why a question arises for a woman?

As a result of poverty and poor economic conditions in the home, she had to quit her education and started doing housework for financial support at home where she was working. All it takes is homework and teaching disha. In this way, Disha began to speak and write in the English language. But before she finished her education, she was married. After getting married at the age of 17, she suddenly started to change her life. The person she was married to started showing off her color. Beating bad words over small things was commonplace in small matters. When Disha about this, when talking to her mother-in-law, her mother-in-law said that she would have children and everything would be fine. Hearing this, Disha persuaded her and she was trying to make her marriage happier. And she was going to do housework again to help financially support the house. In time, she had two children. But her husband's nature did not change. When he talked to his mom about the matter, his mom said that it is not a bond for him to be a man, whatever bondage is there for us. So go on and on and on and on for the future of your children. It will also improve over time. Hearing this, Disha once again made up her mind and was moving forward with the answers in her life. 

Today, at the age of 55, she is doing the same. She has not changed her husband. The situation of the house did not change. When the change came, both the children were married. But the situation was the same on both sides which was in his life. Today Disha is in the place where it once was. Today, his daughter and son are up against these questions. But that answer may be the same as the answer her mother-in-law and her mother gave her. She decided to never let her go and move on. She will always be with her daughter and daughter-in-law in the efforts that are made. So that both of them do not have to tell their offspring to let go and move on.

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