Picture Credit : Chiradeep Patra


In the creation history mentioned in the Bible, there's a startling fact that made me think about how organized God is in everything He does.

The verse in Genesis 2:15 says, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it." This verse clearly indicates that God has given humans the responsibility to take care of the environment. He not only created everything, but He also instructed and appointed humans, the crown of His creation, as the overseers and stewards of His entire creation. However, if we consider catastrophic environmental disasters, we can see how well we, as humans, have managed the resources entrusted to us by God. We have completely failed Him in our duty to care for His beautiful creation. 

Nevertheless, there are a few of us who are responsible and foresighted in this regard. They have found various movements, organized events, and taken proactive steps to protect our mother earth and the environment that surrounds it. One such annual event is Earth Day, which is quite fascinating and worth discussing.


Earth Day is a yearly celebration held on April 22nd to promote environmental awareness, foster appreciation for nature, and encourage the preservation of the planet's biodiversity and ecosystems. Since its inception in 1970, more than 190 nations take part in the annual celebration. Earth Day was first observed in the United States. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson had the idea for Earth Day because he wanted to establish a national holiday that would be dedicated to the environment and environmental awareness-building. In order to promote environmental sustainability, many communities hold events and activities, such as planting trees, picking up litter, and educating the public on how to cut waste and conserve natural resources. With an estimated 20 million Americans taking part in events and activities aimed at environmental preservation and protection, the first Earth Day was a huge success.


The environmental benefits of Earth Day are numerous:

  1. Increasing awareness: Earth Day presents an opportunity to increase public understanding of environmental issues and the effects of human activity on the environment. The public's support for environmental preservation and protection initiatives may be sparked by this raised awareness.
  2. Inspiring action: Earth Day can motivate people to take initiative to safeguard the environment. Cleaning-up efforts, planting trees, and recycling initiatives are just a few of the events and activities that many communities host to promote environmental sustainability. These initiatives support sustainable practices and aid in the reduction of waste and pollution.
  3. Pushing for policy change: Earth Day offers an opportunity for environmental activists to demand local, national, and international policy changes. Earth Day can influence decision-makers to prioritize environmental protection and conservation through public demonstrations, lobbying efforts, and other activities.


Yes, celebrating Earth Day can be beneficial to one's mental health. A growing body of research indicates that participating in activities that support environmental sustainability and spending time in nature can be good for one's mental health and overall well-being.

Spending time in natural settings, such as parks and forests, has been shown to lessen the symptoms of depression and anxiety and to enhance general mood and well-being. Similarly, it has been demonstrated that engaging in activities like gardening, hiking, and volunteering for environmental causes can raise one's self-esteem, lower stress levels, and foster a sense of purpose and community.

Taking part in Earth Day celebrations can also inspire optimism and hope for the future. Individuals can feel empowered and in control of their own lives and the world around them by taking steps to protect the environment.

Earth Day offers an opportunity for people to engage with nature, advance sustainability, and enhance their overall mental and physical health.


When we observe Earth Day, we encounter a number of challenges, such as:

  1. Lack of knowledge: It's possible that many people are unaware of the significance of Earth Day and the necessity of taking action to protect the environment. It can be difficult to inspire people to act if they do not thoroughly understand the problems at hand.
  2. Political and economic factors: Due to competing interests, such as economic growth or job creation, environmental protection and sustainability may not be a top priority for some governments or businesses. This may make it challenging to put environmental protection policies and practices into action.
  3. Lack of resources: Some communities may lack the infrastructure or resources necessary to plan environmental protection-related events and activities, such as cleanup campaigns and tree-planting initiatives.
  4. Resistance to change: Adopting sustainable practices frequently necessitates behavioral changes, which some people and organizations may find challenging to accept. It may be difficult to implement sustainable practices and policies due to this resistance to change.
  5. Denying the existence or severity of climate change: Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, some people and organizations may continue to contest the reality of the severity of climate change, which can obstruct efforts to address environmental issues.

In general, overcoming these challenges calls for a concerted effort from people, groups, and governments all over the world. We can work towards a healthier and more sustainable planet for future generations by increasing awareness, encouraging sustainable practices, and fighting for policy change.

How effectively we can observe earth day in today's context?

There are numerous ways to effectively observe Earth Day in the current environment and have a positive impact on the environment. Several instances include:

  1. Consume less energy: One of the best ways to lessen our impact on the environment is to consume less energy. This can be done by taking simple measures like using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and taking public transportation or joining a carpool rather than driving alone.
  2. Support regional initiatives: Many regions hold activities and events aimed at preserving the environment, such as recycling campaigns, clean-up drives, and tree plantings. We can have a positive effect on the environment and contribute to spreading awareness of the value of sustainability by supporting these initiatives.
  3. Encourage sustainable behavior: We can encourage sustainable behavior in our daily lives by using eco-friendly products, cutting back on waste, and conserving water. We can collectively have a big impact on the environment by making small behavioral changes.
  4. Plead and encourage policy change: Earth Day presents a chance to push for global, national, and local policy changes. We can encourage decision-makers to give priority to environmental protection and conservation by contacting elected officials, taking part in public protests, and supporting environmental organizations.
  5. Educate and create awareness: We can educate others on the significance of Earth Day and the necessity of taking action to safeguard the environment. We can raise awareness and motivate others to have a positive impact on the environment by exchanging knowledge and resources.
  6. Everything begins with self: Finally, if we truly want to make a positive impact on the Earth and our environment, we must begin by taking action ourselves before attempting to educate others. Every small or large change requires initiative, and if we are advocating for something, we need to lead by example. By taking the first step, we can inspire others to follow our lead. We should ignore statements like “nobody does it” and instead adopt the mentality of “I will start doing it” to initiate something crucial for both ourselves and the planet.


After an extensive discussion about Earth Day, a question has come to mind: “Will Earth Day simply remain a yearly celebration, or should it become a daily lifestyle habit like brushing our teeth, having breakfast in the morning, and getting dressed for work?” It's worth considering whether this annual event is enough to truly make a difference in the long-term health of our planet, or if we need to make more conscious, daily efforts to protect the environment.

I read this article recently which I found to be quite exhaustive and beneficial: 22 Benefits of Celebrating Earth Day Every Day! This article was written and published on April 22, 2015, on Earth Day. It outlines how we can make Earth Day a way of life that we can all adopt in our daily lives. For what purpose? For our benefit, as well as the benefit of our children and future generations. As French-American self-trained artist, naturalist, and ornithologist Mr. John James Audubon says beautifully, 

“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.”

So friends! Let’s make Earth Day a lifestyle for a better tomorrow. 

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