Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
Life is not a story or an episode,
To start with once upon a time,
And end with happily ever after,
It’s a mixture of all sequences,
To be felt with positivity,
Listen to life’s echoes carefully,
Listen to the mustn’t,
Listen to the don’t have,
Listen to the won’t,
Listen to the grudges, hates,
Listen to the failures,
Life gives all to all,
Let be changed to musts, possibles,
Haves, wills, loves, successes,
Though not easy, strive with endurance,
Anything can be, change is changeable,
All that matters is trust in the Almighty,
Patience, fortitude, longevity.
O the leaders of the world;
Can castles be built on blood?
Excruciating cry of humans;
Blood shedding children’s trauma.
People postulated thee hieroglyph of peace;
The debilitated their aggregates.
Is that not heart-throbbing?
The vision of butchering loved ones;
Billions frittered on weapons & bombs;
Why not for tranquility and quietude?
Castles built on love and peace;
Ushers gaiety, frolics in lives.
Beauty dignified only with gaze?
Amassed with a magnitude of heart,
Sparks left after perceptions,
Stimuli sustained after interpretations,
The warmth of the sun, the delicacy of the moon,
Roaring waves, gentle breeze, drizzling rain,
Freaky humor, exhausting laughs,
Smiling face, happy tears, caring soul,
Splendid life, boundless love,
Versatile nature, exemplary acts,
Elegant grace, implicit words,
Prevails immense eternal beauty.
Be an admirer; explore hidden miracles; Little things mean a lot,
Ecstasy in the bioluminescence of fireflies;
Rather in the brightness of sunlight.
Be an explorer; admiring solace around;
With overwhelmed hedonism,
Gratification in small water pit,
Rather in the overwhelmed waterfall.
Be an eccentric; submerging in love;
With limitless kindness,
Elegance in compassionate nomad;
Rather in perpetual Outlander.
Cherish the precious souls
Who are irreplaceable
Whose love matters to us the most
Whose love sees no flaws in us
Whose love is neither judgmental nor conditional
Whose love is invincible
They are incredibly special
Devaluing them is devaluing ourselves
They see the world as we see
Both Minds work at the same frequency
Touching our souls on a molecular level
Those are disguised blessings
That surrounds us
In the form of flesh and bones
Visible only to the soul
With the sparkles of love
Illuminating our way of life
With delight in the heart and eyes
Cherish those precious souls!
In a different perspective,
Lending ears to hear one’s desolation,
Wiping tears when in dejection,
Consoling words when in despair,
Positivity inveigles thereof.
In a different attitude,
Apologies though not mistaken,
When a soul is given happiness,
Accepting mistakes is legitimacy,
Rectifying mistakes pertains to positivity.
In a different inclination,
Cherish souls with love,
That lit up physiognomy,
Initiative physics with benevolence,
Lacquer the framework with positivity.
Essence in behavior,
Essential to encourage,
Eternity in humbleness
Eagerness to explore,
All possess positivity.
Living on Earth with gravity,
Though fly up in pride,
Will be pulled downwards,
It’s not the law of gravitation,
It’s the law of humility & positivity.
Little things, little moments
They aren’t little
They are the plurality
Life can hold perpetually
Life is a process of admiration
Captivating tiny miracles
Capturing not our eyes
But our inner souls
A cute smile that is contagious
An unexpected phone call
A caring hug from a friend
The precious time with splendid people
Tiny rain droplets after a hot day
Meddling on your body
Beautiful butterfly landing on you
Mistaking you for a flower
Cherishing memories with loved ones
A peaceful nap without regrets
Beautiful sunrise, elegant moonlight
Every little notes that accumulate in memory
Little things little moments
They aren’t little
A wonderful concept
To believe in life
The fact of sustenance
Feel while observing
Experiencing everyday
Rather than learning
The beauty of the theory.
The exquisite theory
What is meant for you
Will reach you at any cost
What is not meant for you
Will not reach you
Though you struggle
With all maximum efforts
Be at peace with a good heart
Without vengeance jealousy
Work with all efforts
With all possibilities opportunities
You could afford
Lest we forget
Everything will fall into right place
At the right time and moment!
A Divine bond
Procuring tranquility
Between unknown people
An ecstatic relationship
Enduring spring season
Throughout life
Knowing each other
From funny to serious persona
Partners in crime
Leading to eternity
With the frequency of thoughts
That vibe epically
Aura Intersecting with each other
At the same molecular level
Days may pass
Years may pass
The fragrance of friendship
Remains as aromatic as
On the first day of the meet
Genuinely polishing
The precious relationship
Amicable and harmonizing
With love and life
Forever with bliss!
A remarkable blessing
That makes life worthwhile
The greatest blessing ever
That cannot be enumerated
All species by nature
Dwell with its family
With an impeccable bond
Adoring the significance of life
A beautiful construction of bond
Built with bricks of mutual love
Plastering with mutual respect
Explicitly being selfless
A bond leading to success
A vision for a better mission
In the pathway of life
Cherish the family with undeniable love!
Human in me
Not happened in a day
Or when I was born
Took a great time of life
To manifest the kind human…..
I was abandoned for years
That taught me to embrace others!
I was called a thief for no reason
That compelled me not to blame others!
I spent life’s quarter part in hospitals
That ratified me the pain in others!
The moaning and cries for loved ones,
Boasted hold on to relationships!
I had known hunger and poverty
That obliged me to acknowledge hard work!
Electrified me to feel for necessitous
Improvised me to be compassionate!
I was conned and swindled by many
That charged me to be trustworthy,
Insisted the theory of sustenance,
The notable trust in Almighty!
I had experienced inconceivable hurts
Aware of the unheard agonies
That suggested me to lend my ears and shoulders
To uplift the fragmented minds
My love had been underrated
That coached me the anguish of dejection,
Enlightenment me to love to the core,
The people who truly deserve my love!
I had sinned with unrectified errors
That mastered me to forgive
Manage to transform those errors
To deny regrets and to be a better human!
The most recited word in the universe
The heartfelt echo
The rhythmical lyric
The creator of unconditional love
The one replenishes broken matters
The all-time learner
The criterion of sacrifice
The pinnacle of grace
The angel in disguise
The first speech from baby’s tongue
The universal language without discrimination
No syllable or phrase to define
In a single word
The owner of these qualities
Is none other than ‘mom’.
An extraordinary creation
With the criterion of love
Above all wonders and miracles
An epitome of sacrifice
Auspicious of creations
Phenomenal of love
Toughness in mind
Delicate in action
Sorrows in thoughts
Smile in acceptance
Burden on shoulders
Gentleness in walking
A versatile genius
Caring Multi Tasking
An unconditional lover
Love her, respect her, honor her!
. . .