Photo by Sora Shimazaki: pexels

I was working in a reputed organization in Delhi NCR when I got a call for a walk-in interview at some other organization which was offering a higher salary. I went to the mentioned place to attend the walk-in interview. I was not nervous as I already had two years of experience in my field. But the HR who was asking questions was a very strange person.

After asking two questions, he used to stand from his chair & started talking to his girlfriend. It looked very irritating when he repeated the same thing thrice. Whatever romantic things he was talking about, it was clearly audible to me. I thought that the person is not interested in taking the interview. Because of this I also took the interview casually and halfheartedly gave answers to his questions. Finally, the interview was over.

After 15 minutes the results were declared, and I was not selected.  I rushed towards HR and said, "Sir, kindly tell me the reason of rejection so that I can improve in future."  The HR said, "You were rejected because you were more focused on my personal discussions and less focused on the questions I was asking.Truly speaking, I was just acting in front of you that I am talking to my girlfriend. I just wanted to check your mental stability that whether you are focused on your task or involved in my talks.

This is known as a 'stress interview'. It is conducted by putting the candidate in a mental stress and then we check whether the candidate is able to bear that stress or not. We do it because in industries the work is very stressful and if you are not able to handle all types of stress you will not work efficiently in any organization."

I came to realize my mistake and thanked HR for opening up my eyes. That day I came to know that there are many categories of interviews and before going for any kind of interview we must gain some knowledge from the internet. I was unhappy that I was not selected but I was happy that I learned something worthwhile in my life.

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