Image by Pexels from Pixabay

When moon dies
I see you are coming,
When dawn knocks the door
I see you are coming.

You are the essence of earth,
After the downpours
I see you are coming.
When I see quiet nightingales,
On a full moon's night
I see you are coming.

Somber soul placing the heart,
Moreover, nothing is going to last,
You are
You are the forth comer

What I read in dreams,
I believe in myself when
I see you are coming.

Can I weave curtains
With your curly hair,
Can I adorn myself
With your embrace,
Pantile a canopy mine
Stumble roses in delight when
I see you are coming.

Cup of Milky tea; you gave me,
I fainted from scum.
You are the nourisher of my live
As coldness in an ice
As warmth felt in sunrise,
Soul takes the veil of shyness when
I see you are coming.

In taverns
In taverns, only a cupbearer is there,
Intoxication of your love is there,
Sweetness in every sip is there,
Your fragrance is beyond fragrance
My beak struggles to breathe when
I see you are coming.

In my wedding
Henna, I poured on my hands,
The scarf I took on my head,
My lips teeter,
My eyes overwhelm pearls
With blush, I adorn myself when
I see you are coming.

I love to spend sleepless nights indeed.
I search for you
I knock on your door as a gentle wind,
I enter your home as an infant kid,
You love me as my mother so
I spent my whole night asleep when
I see you are coming.

My mild palm
When I keep on your letters;
Your heart, your love emerges,
After a while
When I see my palm,
Your picture I witness.
You are a colorist, paint me in your love when
I see you are coming.

Do you see my eagerness?
I take a round of your shop
Countless times before sunrise,
Oh, my baker
You are my nurturer.
For a bite of your love,
I leave the world behind when
I see you are coming.

Why rivers flow,
And an ocean remains still?
Why does the sun remain fiery,
And an astray gets suffered?
They know
It's you, who love them more than themselves.
They say
I confine my emotions when
I see you are coming.

It's not me, it's my soul
Surrendered to yourself.
To your love,
To your touch,
To your eyes,
To your lips,
To your gentle,
To your fieries,
To your song,
To your limbs,
To your veils,
To your means,
My soul surrenders to you,
She says I'll die
I'll die in this love
I'll not be able to survive when
I see my beloved is coming.

.    .    .
