Image by jessica45 from Pixabay
The legal industry in India is a big one
There are not enough judges.
Advocates are abundant
Cases are pending, and no one cares.
Cases are lingering
Clients are suffering
We are spending more and more money
Judges are late in judging.
There is a standard time fixed for each work
According to time studies conducted by Tylor
In Economics and Statistics
Underlined in my notebook for the year.
There are motion studies
Made by Gilberth, which is very important
More work in a limited time is its theme
And tactful finish is its motive.
The time studies and motion studies
Are applied in almost all industries
Like schools, colleges, hospitals, etc.
Which is beneficial for countries.
If these studies are applied to legal industries
And the total system is time-bound
The client gets benefits from it
The system changed from its ground.
In the present system
Advocates are benefited
It violates the philosophy of law
Which is not justified.
The cases are lingering in the court for years
The advocates just gain
The judges just see
The clients ultimately suffer.
How the clients can get relief
It is the motto & philosophy of law
To get Proper justice is the value of law
The legal system should be changed
By applying time & motion studies
All would be benefited proportionately.
And the legal system will be in order.