Photo by Pixabay: pexels

We’ve all been wrong in the trials of being right. Making things right isn’t easy. Sometimes, in the efforts of trying not to hurt someone, or finding a middle ground, we actually end up worsening the situation you are in. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than loss. And just the idea of losing someone who really matters to us, makes us do things that we do not wish to. We start to lie in order to create a balance, but the process of lying fills up with guilt. Guilt comes with a lot of pain, and fighting with that pain every day is difficult. In this war that goes on within us, we only lose - and start avoiding. We want the other person to hate us. Everything that he/she does reminds of our guilt, and absorbs our energy.

We push someone of love away, the one with whom we wanted to be closer. We want it so badly, and We wish for it every day. And wishes do come true sometimes. The other person starts to hate you for whom we have become. And when we get that hate, we realize that we never wanted what we wished for. All of this, everything because we try to not hurt people who we really love. We try to make things right for people with whom everything feels right.

I don’t have an answer to the question of how can we make things right for the people we love if what we want would hurt them anyway?

Sometimes, we can’t make it right, if it isn’t right. Because no matter how hard we try, something is not meant to be. It won’t be our mistake, or someone else’s. But if we try with all our faith and love to make it happen, believe me, we’re only going to hurt ourselves and a lot of other people, too. At times, there is no middle ground. So, stop finding it.

It took me time to realize that we never see people, when we see people. We see the relationship we share with them. A friend is a friend, and we value the friendship that we share. A person is not an individual, but the memories you have shared with him/her. I am a firm believer of the idea that we see an image of people in the mirror of our minds. A mirror that is blurred/filtered with our prejudices, ideas, expectations, hope and what not. But, even after that, we judge the kind individual that other person is.

Oh, he is a total coward. She is a hypocrite. But are they really who you think they are? You will never know. Because you see who they are to you, which is just a part of who they are. You might think that a person is the best thing that has ever happened to you in a while because of the rosy relationship you currently share with that person. But, what happens, your relationship with that same person isn’t rosy anymore. That person still is the same, but not for you. And in that case, too, you start to judge and form ideas about whom he/she is.

The reason I am writing this today is to tell you that people might tell you are a beautiful person today, and you are the worst human being tomorrow. But, they can never really tell you who you are. They see the image they have of you. But you are way beyond that image. You know who you truly are. You will always know that. Hold on to that, and you will never be a bad human being. And if possible, never tell people who they are, because they are not who you think they are. Your relationship with them is just a part of their life, and not their life. And, parts make a person, but not define a person.

I feel getting to love and getting over love is one of the most complicated theories in the entire world. Getting standard answers for questions about love is next to impossible. There’s a possibility that we might someday soon build our own houses on the moon, but we’ll still be the same confused humans longing for love. “The ancient Greeks believed humans once had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. They believed that being this way, we all felt complete. We were happy. We were so complete that the gods fearing our wholeness cleaved us into two. Hence, for our entire life, we keep looking for our other half just to feel complete. This makes our life full of longing. Longing for Love.” - The Half of It.

But, then why it is confusing? Why do we feel complete with certain people, and then they leave us? If we feel complete, why don’t they? What is the concept of breaking up? What is the concept of moving on? Why do we sometimes feel associated with more than just one person? This reminds me of another theory from Before Sunrise which says,” 50,000 years ago, there were not even a million people on earth. Ten thousand years ago, there were like two million people on the planet. And now there are more than 7 billion people on this planet. If we all have our own individual, unique soul, where did these all come from? Are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls?

Because if they are, that represents a 5,000 to one split of each soul in just the last 50,000 years. At best, we are just tiny fractions of people walking. Is this why we are so scattered? Is this why we are so specialized?” When I think of both of these theories, I feel like what I believe in is a combination of both of these. Or Maybe the answers to my question is by combining both of these beliefs. Maybe, it all started with one soul/body dividing in two. So, in the beginning, we were all looking for that other half. That one half which makes us complete. But, now, with this passage of time, we all are divided into multiple halves. Hence, we need love from multiple people who are pieces like us, to feel complete.

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