Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash
Not every species have the power to regain skin, but we are empowering to donate it. In India, one person dies in every four minutes due to a burn. Burn is the second-largest reason for the highest number of deaths in India, after road accidents. Majority of burns occur in Kitchen accidents, suicide attempts, bride burning, industrial accidents, and acid attacks. These victims can be helped with grafts from donor skin.
Alone in Mumbai, there is a need for 2000 skin donations per annum, while there are only about 60 donations per annum. The estimated burnt cases in India are about 6-7 million per annum. If the skin is totally burnt, the skin grafting is necessary. Artificial skin has a cost of Rs. 50000 per cm. Usually, 3000 cm of skin is required for treatment, that is Rs. 6 Lakhs are needed, which is rarely affordable. While natural skin costs Rs. 15 per cm. If natural skin is applied to patients, in 80 to 90% of cases, the patient survives.
Lives of these people can be saved just by donating skin after death. Anyone above the age of 18 can donate skin after death. Contraindications for skin donation are HIV, Hepatitis B & C, generalized infection and septicemia (Pneumonia, TB, etc.), any kind of skin infection, Malignancy, STDs, and skin cancer. One skin donor can save the lives of 3 burnt patients. You can save someone's life after yours has ended.
Skin donation prevents infection, decreases pain, and provides mechanical protection, thereby helping faster healing and saving lives. Skin is the largest human organ. It acts as a shield to protect one from environmental impacts. Donate skin and save a life! Don’t take your organs to heaven with you. Heaven knows that we need them here. Organ donation is consistent with major religions like Islam, Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, etc. Even Lord Ganesha is the first known case of a successful organ transplant, according to Hindu spirituality. It is a myth that religion is against organ transplantation.
If the family member wants to donate the deceased person's skin, then they must first call up the 24-hour burns helpline number (022-27793333). The skin can be harvested after six hours after a person's death. The person need not be in the hospital for skin donation, the skin donation team can harvest the deceased person's skin at his/her house with the family members' consent. The skin donation team has one doctor, two nurses, and one attendant. It is not required to pay anything to the skin donation team.
Selling or buying organs is illegal. Skin is only removed from the neck, thighs, and back with the help of a machine called Dermatome. There are 8 layers of skin, and only 1/8th layer, that is, the uppermost layer of the skin is harvested. There is no disfiguration of the body during this process. It just takes about 30 - 45 minutes. Mo matching is required for grafting. A Xerox copy of the death certificate has to be provided to the team of doctors. The harvested skin is processed and then stored in the skin bank. It can be stored for up to 5 years.
This skin is used to cover wounds of the burnt patients so that they recuperate from the burn injuries. Their skin grows underneath the grafted skin itself. Donate skin and save a life!