Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

Like the gradient of the sunset,
I have a color palette too.
Having less shades of pink,
And more of the blue.

As they say, Life is a circle
But with unequal halves
A fortnight of sunny days,
Is always followed by the clouds.

The sun is good, it always was
But the clouds bring out the angsty me.
I sob petrified in their presence
Calmly waiting for my sun to shine back

But at the same time
I aim to become a cloud
A force of nothingness
Holding a power to hide even the brightest

Maybe I am a cloud in more ways than I thought
As we both keep soaking up everything around
Until it becomes too heavy to move any inch further
And then, We explode

Bringing a gush of rain
A tornado of sentiments
A release of the remorse
Of a sin we never did

Maybe I am one of them, but, Maybe I am not
As I lack the strength they hold
Their rain can be a boon or a bane
While I can't even control my drizzle

Well it's not that easy to find out
Am I a cloud?
Are we all clouds?
Let's keep asking.

.    .    .
