Yes, I am lazy and proud of it! The problem with this defense will be I am too lazy to edit or might leave it incomplete like an abandoned project of mine. I quit any activity or work sooner than most as the motivation to be hard working and the inspiration lasts only till I think. The moment I have to do it, I quit! I am the quitter types for whom all the inspirational stories are told, and written... the ordinary nobody and nothing - the buyer, consumer, and audience... I had rather be a million dollars poor than lose my sleep. So the reverse is true. I can sleep as much as I want and so I am a million dollars rich and richer than millionaires who can’t afford to eat n sleep. Someone has to balance the universal equation and sleep and rest on behalf of the people who work hard.
I am happy to live an ordinary and anonymous life. My dear Emily said, I am a nobody, are you a nobody too? So me! She states that to be somebody is vulgar- like a frog or toad or some amphibian she didn't like. Then there was Jerome K Jerome roaming with 3 men in a boat who said that being idle is the ideal thing to do. But of course!
I am happy I ain't part of the rat race. Haven’t made a to-do list or the bucket list. Why this pressure to live fully? Who does? Only ignorant people live blissfully. Many spiritual gurus work really hard- mostly at minting money. They make people aware that they are not living fully till they barely breathe, then breath deeply and do all sorts of aerobics and yoga. And the hapless souls, initially all lost about the life and purpose of life- sleep, enjoy and rest- part with their hard-earned money to these guys who already are rich and become richer. After parting with their hard-earned money, many feel they are all now more spiritual, awake, aware, and have done a good deed and made up for the rat race life – a life in which they crushed their own soul and the soul of others.
Nothing against religion or spirituality - in fact, God made me this way and made most needed actions like breathing, etc involuntary. I don’t have to go dancing prancing to temples, pilgrimage places, pray, or fast as god is in me. I am not a part of the universe, the universe is a part of me- enjoy life. I am His pampered child, after all, so I will!
Most violent people are usually hardworking- the dictators, the military strategists, the assassins, spies, the murderers. Ever heard of lazy terrorists? Most are enterprising and hard-working. And look at all the hard work, intelligence, and enterprise of the criminals! Sleepless nights, studying the latest technology, software, human psychology, and warfare! Same for the army and the police who work equally and more hard. No family or personal life for any of these guys. The only person who is safe is the politician. And we know how most of them are thank me I ain't like them. And I bet the lazy criminals and terrorists saved the world by sleeping till late and not doing the bomb blast or massacre or whatever H.W. or assignment they were to do.
The only thing I kill is time. And it's my time. Someone (or the other) has said that time is a relative concept and reality is an illusion. Not just that- the universe is stardust and so are ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We are less than a dot in the universe. We aren't responsible for anything and the universe is perfect as it is. Nothingness is what the universe came from and everything is nothing really. If everything is nothing, then nothing is everything and if everything becomes perfect if it is as it is I am most perfect because I am absolutely nothing and do absolutely nothing to mess the universe. I ain't formulating any philosophy etc here --- most philosophers and all those highly educated wise researchers term socialism, communism, fascism, democracy, and most isms a failure and a mistake. 100s of wars, 2 world wars, and on the verge of a 3rd- the world is still suffering from the side effects of the revolutions and wars caused by people who believed in something or somebody and wanted to do something they believed in because of the somebody who told them. And most of them were motivated to work hard on the philosophy by some or the other misguided moron.
Gandhi believed in non-violence, yet history is proof that the making of Pakistan caused more violence than probably the war would have caused. The very industrious Britishers ruled for centuries but today, they don’t have the kind of standing they were supposed to have after all the endless wars they made and the control they had. Alexander the Great's death was just to prove that he needed only less than 10 feet and not the world and he left empty-handed. His death is more inspiring than his life. Had these guys been lazy or believed in enjoying and resting, the world would have been a paradise.
(II) Most of the people who ask you to work hard- did not! Many parents, who could not be doctors, engineers, or artists try to realise their ambition through their children. By that logic, most people who did not work hard and could not become successful, believe that they ought to inspire others to work hard and be successful. Such dangerous and wrong ideas should be nipped in the bud and ended before the pandemic of ‘become successful’ starts infecting others. There is no knowing which future Hitler or dictator or boss might be inspired to take over the world or start a new company, business, or factory and reduce intelligent, happy, creative people to become lifeless rats running the rat race. All these corporates, companies, factories, and offices use the donkey and the carrot policy, and yet people who know all about it go for it because they have to earn a livelihood.
The reason people initially enter the rat race is to earn a livelihood. But later, they want to run the race. If I had a terrible boss and a horrible life, the challenge is becoming a boss and giving my employees a better life will definitely be a part of my plan. Yes, I will point out to all how better and different I am from my boss want others to like me and respect my difference from my boss. 99% of the people know they are running a rat race, are the donkeys running after the carrot but won’t think of changing anything because of the basic needs, the other needs Maslow put in his pyramid, their life is too busy to sit and think. Maslow put self-actualization at the very top of our needs but people think that to be at the top, we have to climb those levels. Actually, nobody interprets that at the top means that is how we should begin. If we self-actualised, we won’t need a house, job, career, cars, wealth, and other stuff which makes us so miserable. We work our way up but are sadly stuck to the very first level and the basic needs are the biggest prison in the world. People justify murders, crimes, cruelty, and everything they did for their basic needs and family.
You might wonder who will invent and create things. Well, someone will, if Edison didn’t invent the light bulb someone may be Tesla would have. In fact, Tesla did…ask Elon Musk but not on Twitter! Not just the bulb, even electricity- free too. I am too lazy to research but I am sure one or the other guy would have invented the stuff at about the same time. In fact, Edison would have done well to have invented the air conditioner considering he was perspiring 99% of the time and Nikola would have coolly done it without his help. I don’t think highly of the people who invented the bombs, weapons, and computers. The world is more insecure than secure- look at the violence and the cybercrime. Even cyber-crime is forgiven but generations lost in and addicted to the virtual world are not! There is simply no escaping that ever! And all these inventors most of them regret what they made or to what end their inventions have been used. Many went bat crazy- some pigeon crazy! I bet the evil and the crime were hard work. Be lazy, save the world!
We the lazy don’t fool around with the lives of others, ruling our nation and world, pushing others to commit crimes. are the reason the world is creative and different. We are the consumers, clients, crowd, audience, customers, and listeners. We are the reason that so many gyms, clubs, and courses get the fees but don’t have to do anything for them. We are the reason software programs are so user-friendly, we are the reason others are active, hardworking, and sincere. Since we are not the go-getters, whatever these go-getters want- they have a better chance at it. We are so undependable that hard-working people look for alternatives or do their own work. So we are responsible for peace, efficiency in others, details, and ease in the software programs. We are the reason TV programs have better TRPs, soap operas, endless apps, and life hacks are made. I am too lazy to sit and study and analyse world economies, politics, and policies that benefit us! The moral is to not overthink and overanalyze, to not try and be better as that’s the greatest trap to torture yourself. Finding faults, criticizing, and trying to improve oneself and others is where you stop enjoying life. Take what you like and leave out what you don’t. Go Zen!
Take rest, sleep. The earth will still rotate and revolve without us and life will continue as it is!