Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
To be quite explicit, advanced technology and developed equipment have drastically impacted human existence on the face of the earth. No one would have ruminated that there would be a portion of time in the world when people will get engaged in exchanging money via different social media tools. No one would have ever pondered that there will be a time when students will be satiated with every single allotment for continuing their educational peregrination. No one would have ever contemplated that there would be a phase of time where children will avail and possess expertise in handling all the processes done online. One serious problem that surfaces is that of education losing its ground and youths getting distracted from their chosen destination. Though it is good to observe such innovative techniques and sophisticated inventions, but at the same time, it rips one apart to know the severe effects they leave behind. However, today, most people, especially learners and professors as well expostulate that it is too difficult to live in this world without the accompaniment of smartphones or any other gadgets. As far as I am concerned, it is quite necessary to have smart gadgets with a good network connection to easily enjoy all the freebies and other benefits that come directly through these devices. Obviously, all the works, whether official or unofficial, educational or non-educational are highly generated using these latest technologies and relevant inventions. One may be totally bemused to read this and may interpolate if all these are for the benefit of human beings, then why there are heated debates and spirited arguments over the use and existence of these advanced gadgets?
Interestingly, to tackle this perplexing question, I would like to accentuate with a sufficient degree of certainty that though they are useful; but harmful also. It depends on the consumers’ attitudes. If they use them for the betterment of their future, then it is noteworthy to help them avail all these devices and those who just use them for the sake of entertainment should be culpable for the annihilation of their lives. Basically, if one takes a gander at the present, the biggest threat that becomes visible is that of a corrupted version of education and the prevalence of a plethora of victims who fell prey to the so-called depression and distraction. Here, it is pertinent to mention that today’s advanced society seems to have been crippled thanks to the dissemination of fabricated ideas, lies, hate, hatred, and sexual content (pornography) via different means of these advanced tools. There is a growing myth that those who do not have any association with social media platforms are unlettered. Is this true? Is it logically accepted to term a person as an unlettered fellow just because of his absence from social media or any sort of connection with any of the reputed devices? No is the only answer as there is a set of students who are so magnificent but have no mobile phones. It is apt here to argue that education is losing its dominance and genuine spirit on account of the advent of these advanced devices. Those were the halcyon days when the professors used to clear all doubts raised by the students with utmost caution and free discussion. In contrast, today’s mode of teaching and learning has been shifted to an online platform where only a few of the students get the gist of what is being taught and the remaining people just keep skipping the audio or videos and move to the areas of their interest.
As per the records done by Montgomery College, there are normally ten disadvantages of online education to which every single individual is subjected to be afflicted. Online education has caused a perception of isolation among students. The difference between an online learner and a learner who usually studies in a school is that the latter is more responsive, friendly, and willing to be mingled with any individuals whereas it is not the case with an online student. Online learners are used to remaining alone, quickly getting exasperated, and seem to have very little space for others. So, it is thus easy to notice that education is diminishing day by day. In the name of education, people (teachers, professors, learners, and students) exploit the very term education and sometimes do what is considered to be morally unacceptable in society. There are countless examples where children deceive their parents by telling lies. One can simply understand this through an instance that a meticulous student who used to work hard and concentrate on his studies but as the days elapsed, he was given a smartphone, and then gradually he develops an attraction to his phone then what happens next? He prefers his phone over the study and then the results are also shocking. This is an example of distraction where a person is misguided by virtue of his changed attitude towards a thing. Millions of masses are depressed and often visit consultants and celebrated physicians to get back to normalcy. What they all suggest needs one’s attention. They all suggest keeping aloof from solitude, enjoying the beauty of nature and the accompaniment of the people. Thus, it is better for all people especially students to be highly tentative and remain friendly with each member of the society. The contents of educational institutions need to be revisited and revised. All the contents which focus on the importance of AI, advanced gadgets, and technologies need to be lessened.
Lastly, it could be encapsulated that if we want to live in a society that is anticipated to be obviated by technologies, we have to develop a sense of intimacy with our relatives and improve our educational syllabus so that we can save education. More fascinatingly, it is the contents should revolve around tranquility, childhood days, glorious pasts, and relationships so that we can enjoy those golden days of the past in present times. If we literally prefer our past, then only we can change and take back those legacies of the past, otherwise, we all will be trapped with the latest inventions which even ask us to doubt our own identities.