“We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So, when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we have lost our connection to ourselves.” - Andy Goldsworthy

These lines rightly highlight the precious, indefinite bond between humans and the environment. We are nothing but a part of this wonderful world. Nature breathes within us and we respire in this beautiful world of trees, plants, flowers, birds, and animals, which the Almighty has created for all of us.

This amazing and colourful world of the living and non-living components is held together through mutual coexistence that persists in between, everything that is found on this planet.

The story goes back to 3.7 to 3.5 billion years ago when our Earth was just born. The first spark of ‘life’ ignited and slowly and gradually ‘EVOLUTION’ happened. If we look upon scientific theories and discoveries, we find ‘Darwin’s theory of Evolution’ to be the most satisfactory one. He had quoted-

“In any given environment at any time, only those species will flourish which will be best suited to that environment. The species which will survive will be naturally selected.”

Darwin’s theory substantiated the hardships that ‘we’, THE HOMO SAPIENS, had faced in the battle to be the fittest species for survival but…..what about this Earth.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

This Earth had also gone through phases and then survived out to be the fittest planet for life to bloom. It had also gone through the difficult battle among the different planets to be the one which has the potential to sustain life.

The chilling ice age, the rocky stone age, the fierce fire discovery, and so on….

“Our Mother Earth has gone through a lot of shades.”

When human life evolved on this planet it is believed to have been initiated from a small primitive cell. The adaptations and certain chemical changes, all, have contributed to what we see today in the form of 'Brainy Giants’…..

BUT, what we have given back to our Mother for nurturing us?

Is its preservation our moral duty?

The answer to this question is a big….YES!!

When we look at our personal life we see that whenever something happens to our MOM our DAD, we fret and panic. Whenever our dear or near ones are in an uneasy situation or in an unhealthy state, we worry about them. But, why this stimulus is not generated when someone throws a piece of litter on the road, when someone spits on the wall or when someone cuts a tree…..

Is this, not an uneasy situation being caused to nature, is this not an unhealthy dose being given to the environment…..?

Then, why do we remain HAM-HANDED?

It's time to reflect upon this thought and raise our conscience…

It's time to stop thinking about your own house or farm…

Its time to uplift your moral virtue of responsibility and act for this planet as-

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

This Earth made us the most powerful species to roam over this Universe and we have given it only exploitation. These magnificent buildings, these massive skyscrapers, and these enormous cars are all futile as they are all at the cost of this planet.

Let us stop this and come together with all our might to achieve something big….

We all need to join our hands together and say ‘NO’ to the exploitation of our MOTHER EARTH….

Let's plant more and more trees, create awareness about initiatives like COP-27 at Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt), spend out our holidays cleaning up our neighbourhoods, use jute bags and say ‘no’ to polythene and most significantly; check on our own actions towards nature’s conservation and preservation as Immanuel Kant has rightly quoted-

“Ethics without reference to one’s own concrete actions is EMPTY and actions without ethics are BLIND.”

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